Matplotlib freezing in Save menu

Hello all,

In Windows, when I create any plot, click on the save button, then right click in the save window (e. g. to create a new folder or rename a file), Matplotlib freezes. It stays frozen until I close Explorer. Also the Interpret that launched it stays frozen too.

OS: Windows XP x64
matplotlib version: 1.0.1
Where I obtained matplotlib: Python xy (official 32-bit binary)
Customizations: none
Minimal code to reproduce:
     import matplotlib
     from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
     plt.plot([0, 1],[1, 2])
   followed by clicking on the Save button, and right clicking in the Explorer.

Overall, not a big deal, since I can perform any file operations necessary outside the little popup window, but this is still not correct functionality.

Thank you all,


Peter DeVore