matplotlib for py 2.3


I am forced to use py version 2.3.3 (included in other software). I would like to use matplotlib but can not find the version for py 2.3 on sourceforge. I think it should be version 0.90.1?
Do you know how I can get hold of a copy of that version?


Best Ŕegards,
Olof Werneman

If you have access to svn, you can do:

svn co matplotlib download |
mpl90.1 -r3352

If not, I can upload a tarball somewhere.



On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 3:09 PM, Olof Werneman <olof.werneman@...287...> wrote:


I am forced to use py version 2.3.3 (included in other software). I would
like to use matplotlib but can not find the version for py 2.3 on
sourceforge. I think it should be version 0.90.1?
Do you know how I can get hold of a copy of that version?