matplotlib backend_wx

Hi Jim,

I responded to this earlier today on matplotlib-users. Here is a copy
of my post. I'm very interested in getting some feedback if you try
the suggestion below.


    > Hi,

    > I seem to be seeing some extra debug output. I have been
    > using the wx background and the example as
    > a template for how to make matplotlib plots in an app i'm
    > writing. This part works great!! I am however seeing what
    > appears to be a debug flag left on somewhere?

No, this is in the wx code. I traced it to the line


Miraculously, I commented this out, got rid of the annoying messages,
and fixed the wx exception swallowing bug! Jeremy and I have been
killing ourselves for about 6 months trying to figure out why backend
wx was swallowing our exceptions, and I can't really convey how happy
I am to have found this. We have tried all manner of hacks, google
searches and plantive pleas to get our exceptions back to no avail.
It made debugging wx virtually impossible.

Please test this change on your system. win32 users, I would also be
much obliged if you could try commenting this out on your system to
see if you lose functionality. On my linux box, the figures came up
as expected, I was able to print to jpg and png, so all looks well.

Note, wxagg is in CVS if you need some of the agg features that native
wx drawing does not provide. But it looks like all systems are go for
a release next week so you may as well wait.


Hi John,

  My apologies for apparently missing your earlier response.
Interesting enough, last night when i was looking around in the code for what might be causing those debug messages,
i thought that line:


in conjunction the "Adding duplicate image handler" looked
suspect. I briefly thought about commenting it out...but i
figured that would probably break the tool bar icons etc.

As you suggested, i tried commenting that line out, and sure
enough: no debug messages...and my app that does some plotting
appears to work fine.

Thanks a lot!!
Glad my report led you to a problem you were looking for.



On Sat, 17 Apr 2004, John Hunter wrote:

Hi Jim,

I responded to this earlier today on matplotlib-users. Here is a copy
of my post. I'm very interested in getting some feedback if you try
the suggestion below.


    > Hi,

    > I seem to be seeing some extra debug output. I have been
    > using the wx background and the example as
    > a template for how to make matplotlib plots in an app i'm
    > writing. This part works great!! I am however seeing what
    > appears to be a debug flag left on somewhere?

No, this is in the wx code. I traced it to the line


Miraculously, I commented this out, got rid of the annoying messages,
and fixed the wx exception swallowing bug! Jeremy and I have been
killing ourselves for about 6 months trying to figure out why backend
wx was swallowing our exceptions, and I can't really convey how happy
I am to have found this. We have tried all manner of hacks, google
searches and plantive pleas to get our exceptions back to no avail.
It made debugging wx virtually impossible.

Please test this change on your system. win32 users, I would also be
much obliged if you could try commenting this out on your system to
see if you lose functionality. On my linux box, the figures came up
as expected, I was able to print to jpg and png, so all looks well.

Note, wxagg is in CVS if you need some of the agg features that native
wx drawing does not provide. But it looks like all systems are go for
a release next week so you may as well wait.


Dr. James A. Benson
United States Naval Observatory
Navy Prototype Optical Interferometer
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Email: jbenson@...46...
Voice: 928-773-4868/928-779-5132
Fax: 928-779-9568