matplotlib 1.0 release candidate 1 available for testing

We have uploaded a tarball and Windows and OSX binaries of
matplotlib-1.0rc for testing

Please report bugs to the tracker:

A few highlights:

* Closed over 100 bugs in past three months -- largely due to the
  heroic efforts of Eric Firing

* Faster magnification of large images, and the ability to zoom in
  to a single pixel

* axes_grid improvements

* Local installs of documentation work better

* tick_params -- makes it easier to control the properties and
locations of ticks

* Improved "widgets" -- mouse grabbing is supported

* Improved consistency between backends of the "show" function:
  blocking is more consistent and all backends can call it
  multiple times

* More accurate snapping of lines to pixel boundaries

* More consistent handling of color, particularly the alpha
  channel, throughout the API

* image based regression testing, buildbot tests triggered on svn commits

* JJs new gridspec is definitely worth a mention and a code
  snippet and/or screenshot (the trunkdocs link is currently
  In this context you may also mention Fernando's "subplots".

* enhanced annotation features.

* Ian's monumental contour fix: now contourf handles interior masked
  regions, and the boundaries of line and filled contours coincide

CHANGELOG since 0.99:

2010-06-20 Added Axes.tick_params and corresponding pyplot function
           to control tick and tick label appearance after an Axes
           has been created. - EF

2010-06-09 Allow Axes.grid to control minor gridlines; allow
           Axes.grid and Axis.grid to control major and minor
           gridlines in the same method call. - EF

2010-06-06 Change the way we do split/dividend adjustments in
  to handle dividends and fix the zero division bug reported
           in sf bug 2949906 and 2123566. Note that volume is not adjusted
           because the Yahoo CSV does not distinguish between share
           split and dividend adjustments making it near impossible to
           get volume adjustement right (unless we want to guess based
           on the size of the adjustment or scrape the html tables,
           which we don't) - JDH

2010-06-06 Updated dateutil to 1.5 and pytz to 2010h.

2010-06-02 Add error_kw kwarg to - EF

2010-06-01 Fix pcolormesh() and QuadMesh to pass on kwargs as
           appropriate. - RM

2010-05-18 Merge mpl_toolkits.gridspec into the main tree. - JJL

2010-05-04 Improve backend_qt4 so it displays figures with the
           correct size - DSD

2010-04-20 Added generic support for connecting to a timer for events. This
           adds TimerBase, TimerGTK, TimerQT, TimerWx, and TimerTk to
           the backends and a new_timer() method to each backend's
           canvas to allow ease of creating a new timer. - RM

2010-04-20 Added margins() Axes method and pyplot function. - EF

2010-04-18 update the axes_grid documentation. -JJL

2010-04-18 Control MaxNLocator parameters after instantiation,
           and via Axes.locator_params method, with corresponding
           pyplot function. -EF

2010-04-18 Control ScalarFormatter offsets directly and via the
           Axes.ticklabel_format() method, and add that to pyplot. -EF

2010-04-16 Add a close_event to the backends. -RM

2010-04-06 modify axes_grid examples to use axes_grid1 and axisartist. -JJL

2010-04-06 rebase axes_grid using axes_grid1 and axisartist modules. -JJL

2010-04-06 axes_grid toolkit is splitted into two separate modules,
           axes_grid1 and axisartist. -JJL

2010-04-05 Speed up import: import pytz only if and when it is
           needed. It is not needed if the rc timezone is UTC. - EF

2010-04-03 Added color kwarg to Axes.hist(), based on work by
           Jeff Klukas. - EF

2010-03-24 refactor colorbar code so that no cla() is necessary when
           mappable is changed. -JJL

2010-03-22 fix incorrect rubber band during the zoom mode when mouse
           leaves the axes. -JJL

2010-03-21 x/y key during the zoom mode only changes the x/y limits. -JJL

2010-03-20 Added function suggested by JJL. - EF

2010-03-20 Added conditional support for new Tooltip API in gtk backend. - EF

2010-03-20 Changed plt.fig_subplot() to plt.subplots() after discussion on
           list, and changed its API to return axes as a numpy object array
           (with control of dimensions via squeeze keyword). FP.

2010-03-13 Manually brought in commits from branch


  r8191 | leejjoon | 2010-03-13 17:27:57 -0500 (Sat, 13 Mar 2010) | 1 line

  fix the bug that handles for scatter are incorrectly set when dpi!=72.
  Thanks to Ray Speth for the bug report.

2010-03-03 Manually brought in commits from branch via diff/patch
        (svnmerge is broken)

  r8175 | leejjoon | 2010-03-03 10:03:30 -0800 (Wed, 03 Mar 2010) | 1 line

  fix arguments of allow_rasterization.draw_wrapper
  r8174 | jdh2358 | 2010-03-03 09:15:58 -0800 (Wed, 03 Mar 2010) | 1 line

  added support for favicon in docs build
  r8173 | jdh2358 | 2010-03-03 08:56:16 -0800 (Wed, 03 Mar 2010) | 1 line

  applied Mattias get_bounds patch
  r8172 | jdh2358 | 2010-03-03 08:31:42 -0800 (Wed, 03 Mar 2010) | 1 line

  fix svnmerge download instructions
  r8171 | jdh2358 | 2010-03-03 07:47:48 -0800 (Wed, 03 Mar 2010) | 1 line

2010-02-25 add that demonstrates new functionality. -JJL

2010-02-25 refactor Annotation to support arbitrary Transform as xycoords
           or textcoords. Also, if a tuple of two coordinates is provided,
           they are interpreted as coordinates for each x and y position.

2010-02-24 Added pyplot.fig_subplot(), to create a figure and a group of
           subplots in a single call. This offers an easier pattern than
           manually making figures and calling add_subplot() multiple times. FP

2010-02-17 Added Gokhan's and Mattias' customizable keybindings patch
           for the toolbar. You can now set the keymap.* properties
           in the matplotlibrc file. Newbindings were added for
           toggling log scaling on the x-axis. JDH

2010-02-16 Committed TJ's filled marker patch for
           left>right>bottom>top>full filled markers. See
           examples/pylab_examples/ JDH

2010-02-11 Added 'bootstrap' option to boxplot. This allows bootstrap
           estimates of median confidence intervals. Based on an
           initial patch by Paul Hobson. - ADS

2010-02-06 Added setup.cfg "basedirlist" option to override setting
           in "basedir" dictionary; added "gnu0"
           platform requested by Benjamin Drung. - EF

2010-02-06 Added 'xy' scaling option to EllipseCollection. - EF

2010-02-03 Made plot_directive use a custom PlotWarning category, so that
           warnings can be turned into fatal errors easily if desired. - FP

2010-01-29 Added draggable method to Legend to allow mouse drag
           placement. Thanks Adam Fraser. JDH

2010-01-25 Fixed a bug reported by Olle Engdegard, when using
           histograms with stepfilled and log=True - MM

2010-01-16 Upgraded CXX to 6.1.1 - JDH

2009-01-16 Don't create minor ticks on top of existing major
           ticks. Patch by Neil Crighton. -ADS

2009-01-16 Ensure three minor ticks always drawn (SF# 2924245). Patch
           by Neil Crighton. -ADS

2010-01-16 Applied patch by Ian Thomas to fix two contouring
           problems: now contourf handles interior masked regions,
           and the boundaries of line and filled contours coincide. - EF

2009-01-11 The color of legend patch follows the rc parameters
           axes.facecolor and axes.edgecolor. -JJL

2009-01-11 adjustable of Axes can be "box-forced" which allow
           sharing axes. -JJL

2009-01-11 Add add_click and pop_click methods in
           BlockingContourLabeler. -JJL

2010-01-03 Added rcParams['axes.color_cycle'] - EF

2010-01-03 Added Pierre's qt4 formlayout editor and toolbar button - JDH

2009-12-31 Add support for using math text as marker symbols (Thanks to tcb)
           - MGD

2009-12-31 Commit a workaround for a regression in PyQt4-4.6.{0,1} - DSD

2009-12-22 Fix cmap data for gist_earth_r, etc. -JJL

2009-12-20 spines: put spines in data coordinates, add set_bounds()
           call. -ADS

2009-12-18 Don't limit notch size in boxplot to q1-q3 range, as this
           is effectively making the data look better than it is. - ADS

2009-12-18 mlab.prctile handles even-length data, such that the median
           is the mean of the two middle values. - ADS

2009-12-15 Add raw-image (unsampled) support for the ps backend. - JJL

2009-12-14 Add patch_artist kwarg to boxplot, but keep old default.
           Convert to use the new patch_artist. - ADS

2009-12-06 axes_grid: reimplemented AxisArtist with FloatingAxes support.
           Added new examples. - JJL

2009-12-01 Applied Laurent Dufrechou's patch to improve blitting with
           the qt4 backend - DSD

2009-11-13 The pdf backend now allows changing the contents of
           a pdf file's information dictionary via PdfPages.infodict. - JKS

2009-11-12 should no longer cause EINTR on Python 2.6
           (but will on the 2.5 version of subprocess). Also the
           fc-list command in that file was fixed so now it should
           actually find the list of fontconfig fonts. - JKS

2009-11-10 Single images, and all images in renderers with
           option_image_nocomposite (i.e. agg, macosx and the svg
           backend when rcParams['svg.image_noscale'] is True), are
           now drawn respecting the zorder relative to other
           artists. (Note that there may now be inconsistencies across
           backends when more than one image is drawn at varying
           zorders, but this change introduces correct behavior for
           the backends in which it's easy to do so.)

2009-10-21 Make AutoDateLocator more configurable by adding options
           to control the maximum and minimum number of ticks. Also
           add control of the intervals to be used for ticking. This
           does not change behavior but opens previously hard-coded
           behavior to runtime modification`. - RMM

2009-10-19 Add "path_effects" support for Text and Patch. See
           examples/pylab_examples/ -JJL

2009-10-19 Add "use_clabeltext" option to clabel. If True, clabels
           will be created with ClabelText class, which recalculates
           rotation angle of the label during the drawing time. -JJL

2009-10-16 Make AutoDateFormatter actually use any specified
           timezone setting.This was only working correctly
           when no timezone was specified. - RMM

2009-09-27 Beginnings of a capability to test the pdf backend. - JKS

2009-09-27 Add a savefig.extension rcparam to control the default
           filename extension used by savefig. - JKS

Hi all,

We have uploaded a tarball and Windows and OSX binaries of
matplotlib-1.0rc for testing

I just prepared the Debian package for 1.0rc1 and it went quite
smoothly. I gave it a fast test rebuilding all the images of my book,
and they all renders good (also, the conturf() problem that colored
zones with a bit of overlapping is finally gone).

The package still needs a bit of work, and probably I'll upload next
week to our "experimental" branch (so, at least for now, it won't be
targetting the next Debian stable release).



On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 22:36, John Hunter <jdh2358@...287...> wrote:
Sandro Tosi (aka morph, morpheus, matrixhasu)
My website:
Me at Debian: