marker plots


I had some issues with marker plots and automatic color cycling.

John suggested

      rcParams["lines.marker"] = "o"
      rcParams["lines.linestyle"] = "None"
      for i in range(4):
    plot(rand(5), rand(5))

which produces nice colorful dots :slight_smile: "v" also works.

But changing the marker to '+' (or 'x')

  rcParams["lines.marker"] = "+"

gives only black crosses. It would be nice if someone could please try this out. My guess is that the "o"s and "v"s do have some kind of black margin and a (colored) filling area which the "+"s and "x"s dont't have. If that's right then anyone should see this behavior. Thanx for your help.


Steve Schmerler wrote:

this out. My guess is that the "o"s and "v"s do have some kind of black margin and a (colored) filling area which the "+"s and "x"s dont't have. If that's right then anyone should see this behavior. Thanx for your help.

You're right. The marker's margin color is set by

rcParams['lines.markeredgecolor']= 'green'

and you even can have markers without edge by setting

rcParams['lines.markeredgewidth']= 0.0

but that doesn't work for '+' markers as they appear to consist only of the edge. As a result, they won't show up.
