link axis subplots


    > Is it possible in python/matplotlib to link the x-axis
    > in the subplots. So if you zoom in in one of the graphs of
    > the subplot, that then the other subplots also zoom in. In
    > Matlab this function is called 'linkaxis'.

ax1 = subplot(211)

ax2 = subplot(212, sharex=ax1)


By the way,

does anyone look into the possibility of changing the feature after
drawing ?

I already ask this question a few time ago but it still in suspend.

thank you


John Hunter wrote:



-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Samuel Garcia
Universite Claude Bernard LYON 1
CNRS - UMR5020, Laboratoire des Neurosciences et Systemes Sensoriels
50, avenue Tony Garnier
69366 LYON Cedex 07
Tél : 04 37 28 74 64
Fax : 04 37 28 76 01