linestyles in matplotlib.pyplot.plot

It seems that there are only five line-styles:

“-” (solid) – default

“–” (dashed)

“-.” (dash dot)

“:” (dotted)

“None” or " " or “” (nothing)

What if I want to have more linestyles? Say, ++, **, xx, ~~, etc. Is it possible to have user-defined linestyles? How?

User-defined line styles is difficult. There is an open github issue
on this topic: markers as linestyles · Issue #346 · matplotlib/matplotlib · GitHub

Though, porting some of the existing markers over as linestyles would
be a nice addition, I think.


On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 11:31 PM, Goutam Paul <goutam.paul@...195...> wrote:

It seems that there are only five line-styles:

"-" (solid) – default
"--" (dashed)
"-." (dash dot)
":" (dotted)
"None" or " " or "" (nothing)

What if I want to have more linestyles? Say, ++, **, xx, ~~, etc. Is it
possible to have user-defined linestyles? How?

Damon McDougall
Mathematics Institute
University of Warwick
West Midlands
United Kingdom

Can we use the markers as alternatives for linestyles?

Consider the following in sage:

Suppose I have defined f(x) for a range already, say by the following:

x = np.arange(0,1,0.001)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot(x,f(x), color=‘magenta’, linestyle=‘–’, linewidth=4, label=“f(x)”)

I want to know the equivalent syntax for ‘++’ marker for the same plot of f(x) against (x).


On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 1:02 AM, Damon McDougall <damon.mcdougall@…287…> wrote:

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 11:31 PM, Goutam Paul <goutam.paul@…4198…> wrote:

It seems that there are only five line-styles:

“-” (solid) – default

“–” (dashed)

“-.” (dash dot)

“:” (dotted)

“None” or " " or “” (nothing)

What if I want to have more linestyles? Say, ++, **, xx, ~~, etc. Is it

possible to have user-defined linestyles? How?

User-defined line styles is difficult. There is an open github issue

on this topic:

Though, porting some of the existing markers over as linestyles would

be a nice addition, I think.

Damon McDougall


Mathematics Institute

University of Warwick


West Midlands


United Kingdom