Labels alignmnet pie chart / matplotlib 2.1.0+


I am having a question regarding a pie-chart labels alignment. I'd like to
have labels outside the pie-chart and centered to each wedge. According to
the documentation page, "labeldistance" parameter enables to place labels
outside the pie-chart, and "ha" & "va" parameters supposed to center.
However, these two options (ha & va) seems not working on Matplotlib
v2.1.0+. 1) With this example (pls see below), you can see that "car" label
is not centered properly, it is a bit off the center.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
figure = plt.figure()
axes = figure.add_subplot(111)
axes.set_aspect(1) # circular pie
y = [1,2,3, 4,8,16,18]
label = ['car','domino', 'romancical','testing1', 'thisisthelonglabel',
         'fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff', 'as']
wedges, texts = plt.pie(y,
                        rotatelabels =True,
                        startangle = 10,
                        wedgeprops = {"linewidth": 0.7,
                                      "edgecolor": "white"},
                        textprops = dict(ha="center",
                                          va="center")) # doesn't work


I added the following lines to force labels to be centered, which works but
disabled a "labeldistance" parameter. So all my centered correctly, as I
want labels are overlapping with the pie-chart circle now.

wedges, texts = plt.pie(y,
                            rotatelabels =True,
                            startangle = 10,
                            wedgeprops = {"linewidth": 0.7,
                                          "edgecolor": "white"},
                            textprops = dict(va="center"))
for t in texts:


It seems that "va" option works perfectly for users of Matplotlib v 3.0.2,
but it doesnt on v 2.2.2
Could you please advice if there is a solution for keeping "labeldistance"
while using .set_horizontalalignment("center") ?

S: Pls. note the same question is posted on



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