Keybinding doc & close window

30/10/11 00:27, John Hunter

Just typing f = gcf() displays a figure, which I don't want to do. I
want to be able to put something in my ipython init file that'd set my
bindings, without changing anything else.

This is a reasonable request, though there are some implementation
details to sort through. For one, the rc file format is very simple,
and not amenable to putting in multil-ine functions. But you could
write something like

  keybinding.q : lambda event: plt.close(event.canvas.figure)

Eg, when a key is pressed for which you have associated a lambda, we
could call your lambda with the event that triggered, and you can
access attributes like canvas.figure to operate on them. We could
eval your lambda in the pyplot namespace. But more sophisticated
functions would be difficult to expose given the simplicity of rc

I was thinking of, which is full python. Then, add a
hook for a function to be run whenever a figure is created. I don't know
if I can access the matplotlib stuff from though. I'll
take a look.

Just curious: what's the point of having a specific rc format, instead
of just running python code and defining a few special functions to make
it easier to write a config file? If you want to keep the rc format, why
not add a command to run a python file?

If you are interested in taking a crack at this Antoine, we'd be happy
to evaluate a pull request. If not, perhaps I or one of the other
developers can take a look.

I'll take a look and report back.

Note that in most windowing systems, it is fairly easy to bind a
keystroke to close a window, so you could get the effect of 'q' w/o
modifying MPL, though you might need a two keystroke binding,

Defining "q" to mean "quit this window" for every window might be a
little problematic. :slight_smile: There's always alt+f4, but I find it a little
bothersome, "q" is much simpler.


On Sat, Oct 29, 2011 at 2:52 PM, Antoine Levitt > <antoine.levitt@...149...> wrote: