Installation Problems on Mac OS X

I haven't tried the binaries because there isn't one for python 2.5 and Mac OS 10.4 (the particular combination that I have). I could use the binaries if I went back to python 2.4, but I'm trying avoid that if possible.



R. Padraic Springuel
Teaching Assistant
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Maine
Bennett 309
Office Hours: Wednesday 2-3pm

So actually there is a build for you... actually two. I built
"matplotlib-0.87.6-py2.5-macosx-10.3-fat.egg" with python2.5 on OS
10.4. For some strange reason setuptools or distutils tags it with
10.3. It might be because the build targets to 10.3.9 SDK, so it
should be compatible with 10.3.9 and up.
"" is the exact same build but
bundled with bdist_mpkg. It is understanding how this is confusing.
I am cc'ing the pythonmac-sig list to see if someone can better
explain the thought process behind this.

- Charlie


On 10/10/06, R. Padraic Springuel <R.Springuel@...1210...> wrote:

I haven't tried the binaries because there isn't one for python 2.5 and
Mac OS 10.4 (the particular combination that I have). I could use the
binaries if I went back to python 2.4, but I'm trying avoid that if