Installation can't find locally installed Numeric

This is a known problem with Numeric. We have resolved this issue in
scipy_core, Numeric’s nascent replacement.

Good news. I’m new to scipy, I’ve only just installed the previous version, so I’ll skip beta-testing

for this one I think :slight_smile: But I’ll most likely switch to it when there’s a new release, it’s too interesting

not to.

The message you got is a bit misleading.

Aha, so my clumsy workaround did work!

In fact, the problem is that can’t find the function png_set_sBIT() which should be in

libpng. Check which libpng library actually got linked in.

We do have several versions of libpng installed, both of libpng10 and libpng12. The file /usr/lib/ is a

symbolic link to, so I suspect that’s the version which got linked in.


On 10/6/05, Robert Kern <rkern@…376…> wrote:

Alex Borghgraef