Infinite loop when calling autoscale_view


I am having a problem with matplotlib. I am plotting two data points on a graph
and after setting up my locators (DayLocator), I am calling autoscale_view() on
the axis and the function ends up in the infinite loop. I am trying to come up
with with a short case that will trigger the problem at the moment but it's a
web process and isn't very easy to trace. The following is the function where
the infinite loop happens. I am having a bit of trouble tracing through it and
figuring out what exactly causes it to be in the inifinite loop.

Maria Khomenko

This is the functon (in /dateutils/, class rrule)
def _iter(self):
        year, month, day, hour, minute, second, weekday, yearday, _ = \

        # Some local variables to speed things up a bit
        freq = self._freq
        interval = self._interval
        wkst = self._wkst
        until = self._until
        bymonth = self._bymonth
        byweekno = self._byweekno
        byyearday = self._byyearday
        byweekday = self._byweekday
        byeaster = self._byeaster
        bymonthday = self._bymonthday
        bynmonthday = self._bynmonthday
        bysetpos = self._bysetpos
        byhour = self._byhour
        byminute = self._byminute
        bysecond = self._bysecond

        ii = _iterinfo(self)
        ii.rebuild(year, month)

        getdayset = {YEARLY:ii.ydayset,
        if freq < HOURLY:
            timeset = self._timeset
            gettimeset = {HOURLY:ii.htimeset,
            if ((freq >= HOURLY and
                 self._byhour and hour not in self._byhour) or
                (freq >= MINUTELY and
                 self._byminute and minute not in self._byminute) or
                (freq >= SECONDLY and
                 self._bysecond and minute not in self._bysecond)):
                timeset = ()
                timeset = gettimeset(hour, minute, second)

        total = 0
        count = self._count
        while True:
            # Get dayset with the right frequency
            dayset, start, end = getdayset(year, month, day)

            # Do the "hard" work :wink:
            filtered = False
            for i in dayset[start:end]:
                if ((bymonth and ii.mmask[i] not in bymonth) or
                    (byweekno and not ii.wnomask[i]) or
                    (byyearday and (i%ii.yearlen)+1 not in byyearday) or
                    (byweekday and ii.wdaymask[i] not in byweekday) or
                    (ii.nwdaymask and not ii.nwdaymask[i]) or
                    (byeaster and not ii.eastermask[i]) or
                    ((bymonthday or bynmonthday) and
                     ii.mdaymask[i] not in bymonthday and
                     ii.nmdaymask[i] not in bynmonthday)):
                    dayset[i] = None
                    filtered = True

            # Output results
            if bysetpos and timeset:
                poslist = []
                for pos in bysetpos:
                    if pos < 0:
                        daypos, timepos = divmod(pos, len(timeset))
                        daypos, timepos = divmod(pos-1, len(timeset))
                        i = [x for x in dayset[start:end]
                                if x is not None][daypos]
                        time = timeset[timepos]
                    except IndexError:
                        date =
                        res = datetime.datetime.combine(date, time)
                        if res not in poslist:
                for res in poslist:
                    if until and res > until:
                        self._len = total
                    elif res >= self._dtstart:
                        total += 1
                        yield res
                        if count:
                            count -= 1
                            if not count:
                                self._len = total
                for i in dayset[start:end]:
                    if i is not None:
                        date =
                        for time in timeset:
                            res = datetime.datetime.combine(date, time)
                            if until and res > until:
                                self._len = total
                            elif res >= self._dtstart:
                                total += 1
                                yield res
                                if count:
                                    count -= 1
                                    if not count:
                                        self._len = total

            # Handle frequency and interval
            fixday = False
            if freq == YEARLY:
                year += interval
                if year > datetime.MAXYEAR:
                    self._len = total
                ii.rebuild(year, month)
            elif freq == MONTHLY:
                month += interval
                if month > 12:
                    div, mod = divmod(month, 12)
                    month = mod
                    year += div
                    if month == 0:
                        month = 12
                        year -= 1
                    if year > datetime.MAXYEAR:
                        self._len = total
                ii.rebuild(year, month)
            elif freq == WEEKLY:
                if wkst > weekday:
                    day += -(weekday+1+(6-wkst))+self._interval*7
                    day += -(weekday-wkst)+self._interval*7
                weekday = wkst
                fixday = True
            elif freq == DAILY:
                day += interval
                fixday = True
            elif freq == HOURLY:
                if filtered:
                    # Jump to one iteration before next day
                    hour += ((23-hour)//interval)*interval
                while True:
                    hour += interval
                    div, mod = divmod(hour, 24)
                    if div:
                        hour = mod
                        day += div
                        fixday = True
                    if not byhour or hour in byhour:
                timeset = gettimeset(hour, minute, second)
            elif freq == MINUTELY:
                if filtered:
                    # Jump to one iteration before next day
                    minute += ((1439-(hour*60+minute))//interval)*interval
                while True:
                    minute += interval
                    div, mod = divmod(minute, 60)
                    if div:
                        minute = mod
                        hour += div
                        div, mod = divmod(hour, 24)
                        if div:
                            hour = mod
                            day += div
                            fixday = True
                            filtered = False
                    if ((not byhour or hour in byhour) and
                        (not byminute or minute in byminute)):
                timeset = gettimeset(hour, minute, second)
            elif freq == SECONDLY:
                if filtered:
                    # Jump to one iteration before next day
                    second += (((86399-(hour*3600+minute*60+second))
                while True:
                    second += self._interval
                    div, mod = divmod(second, 60)
                    if div:
                        second = mod
                        minute += div
                        div, mod = divmod(minute, 60)
                        if div:
                            minute = mod
                            hour += div
                            div, mod = divmod(hour, 24)
                            if div:
                                hour = mod
                                day += div
                                fixday = True
                    if ((not byhour or hour in byhour) and
                        (not byminute or minute in byminute) and
                        (not bysecond or second in bysecond)):
                timeset = gettimeset(hour, minute, second)

            if fixday and day > 28:
                daysinmonth = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]
                if day > daysinmonth:
                    while day > daysinmonth:
                        day -= daysinmonth
                        month += 1
                        if month == 13:
                            month = 1
                            year += 1
                            if year > datetime.MAXYEAR:
                                self._len = total
                        daysinmonth = calendar.monthrange(year, month)[1]
                    ii.rebuild(year, month)