imshow question

Dear All, as i'm new to this list let me first introduce

    > myself before posting a question.

    > I'm working in the field of image processing and computer
    > vision for a long time now and i am a long time matlab
    > user. Up to now i didn't like any of the matlab clones but
    > it seems that numarray+matplotlib might be a winner here.

I've worked some with octave in the past and found it unsatisfying
(though a very impressive one man feat!), in part because I wasn't
happy with gnuplot, which it used for graphics at the time (and
perhaps still does), and in part because it really aimed at being a
matlab clone but very few of my m-files ran w/o alteration.
matplotlib tries to solve the first problem by producing better
graphics than matlab and the second by not trying to be a drop in
replacement for matlab.

I'm curious about your experiences, what you tried, and what you found

    > I started using numarray+matplotlib by coding the Gaussian
    > derivative convolutions. Calculating a derivative (by
    > convolving with the derivative of the Gaussian function)
    > will lead to an image(array) with both positive and negative
    > values. Although imshow should deal with that (as far as i
    > understand the code: beware i am a Python beginner) the
    > display turns black for all derivatives (except for the
    > 'zero order' derivative of course).

    > What is going on? Is it me (probably) or is it imshow?

In matplotlib-0.54.2, the images must be normalized to the unit
interval before color mapping or plotting. For example, in
examples/, notice that I do

  A *= 1.0/max(A)

Your images are black, I think, because you haven't normalized them.

I've done a lot of work on matplotlib images since 0.54.2, with new
fixes and features. Normalization is handled by default in the 0.60
release candidate. When I run your (very nice) example with my
development version of matplotlib, it produces this image for figure 2
( I added "show" at the end of your script, but it was otherwise

which looks right to me. I'm always interested in nice screenshots
for the web site, so please consider donating this example!

I've uploaded the 0.60d release candidate to

Can you compile matplotlib yourself or are you using a binary
distribution? If you can try the development version linked above,
that would solve two problems: you'll get enhanced image support and
I'll get a tester for my image changes. If you do so, see the updated
help for the image related commands: imshow, figimage, clim, jet, gray
and the new matplotlibrc parameters image.*

In the figure 2 image from your script, I notice that there the titles
overlap the images above. Here is how you can control this (requires
matplotlib 0.60d)

        # pass in these keywor args to title. The y location is the y
        # text coordinate in axes coords (0,0 is lower left, 1,1 is
        # upper right). You can use **somedict in place of keyword
        # args in python
        offsets = {'y':1.0, 'fontsize':10}
        title(r'G', **offsets)
        title(r'G\_x', **offsets)
        title(r'G\_y', **offsets)
        title(r'G\_\{xx\}', **offsets)
        title(r'G\_\{xy\}', **offsets)
        title(r'G\_\{yy\}', **offsets)
        title(r'G\_\{xxx\}', **offsets)
        title(r'G\_\{xxy\}', **offsets)
        title(r'G\_\{xyy\}', **offsets)
        title(r'G\_\{yyy\}', **offsets)
