How to use STIX fonts in matplotlib plots?

Breaking news from the MathJax site:

The *SVG output processor* is new in MathJax version 2.0, and it uses Scalable
Vector Graphics to render the mathematics on the page.

Mike: Could we use this to finally render all text in STIX *without* using
an external TeX installation? This would be fantastic!


Not everything that views SVG is a web browser with Javascript
support, so doing so would break using the SVG files in Inkscape and
Adobe Illustrator, for example. I think that’s kind of a
non-starter, unfortunately.
You already can render all text in STIX without an external TeX
installation. That’s the purpose of the mathtext support in
matplotlib. I agree it has the one wart that the default font also
needs to be set when using stix for the math, but beyond that, it
does already work today.


On 07/21/2013 04:12 AM, David P.
Sanders wrote:

Breaking news from the MathJax site:

The ** SVG
output processor** is
new in MathJax version 2.0, and it uses Scalable
Vector Graphics to
render the mathematics on the page.


Could we use this to finally render all text in STIX
without using an external TeX installation? This
would be fantastic!


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For some reason I didn’t see your posts until now, apologies.

In fact, STIX is not supposed to “blend with” Times; rather, STIX replaces Times wholesale – i.e. they have redesigned the whole character set. Thus labels (ticks, arbitrary text etc.) should also use STIX, even if they don’t use math.

I finally found the correct rcParams to use to achieve this:

from matplotlib import rcParams

rcParams[“”] = “STIXGeneral”

rcParams[“mathtext.fontset”] = “stix”

It would certainly be nice if this could be done with a single setting.

It seems to me that given that STIX is already distributed with Matplotlib, this could be a good new default to replace Bitstream Vera Sans.


On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 8:46 AM, Michael Droettboom <mdroe@…31…> wrote:

  On 07/21/2013 04:12 AM, David P.

Sanders wrote:

Not everything that views SVG is a web browser with Javascript

support, so doing so would break using the SVG files in Inkscape and
Adobe Illustrator, for example. I think that’s kind of a
non-starter, unfortunately.

You already can render all text in STIX without an external TeX

installation. That’s the purpose of the mathtext support in
matplotlib. I agree it has the one wart that the default font also
needs to be set when using stix for the math, but beyond that, it
does already work today.


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Dr. David P. Sanders

Profesor Titular “A” / Associate Professor
Departamento de Física, Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)


Cubículo / office: #414, 4o. piso del Depto. de Física
Tel.: +52 55 5622 4965

Breaking news from the MathJax site:

The ** SVG
output processor** is
new in MathJax version 2.0, and it uses Scalable
Vector Graphics to
render the mathematics on the page.


Could we use this to finally render all text in STIX
without using an external TeX installation? This
would be fantastic!
