How to obscure underlying text?

Found my answer: rectprops = { 'fill': True, 'facecolor':

    > 'w', 'edgecolor': 'w' } t.set_bbox( rectprops = rectprops
    > )

    > Does anyone find the documentation extremely sparse? I am
    > new to this library and while find the OO design pretty
    > good, struggle with what's on
    > Is
    > there more?

Known problem, it's on the list of things to do, documentation patches

    > In this case I had to-- View the to see what
    > set_bbox and draw do, created a Rectangle and print its
    > __dict__ to see what it's attributes are, realize I must
    > strip leading '_' by seeing how update works in,
    > just to write two lines of code.

And good way to approach this kinds of thing is to have an
interactive shell open and use the setp and getp functionality to
inspect an artist for it's properties. In this case you want to see
what the valid properties are for a Rectangle

In [7]: from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle

In [10]: r = Rectangle(1,1,(1,1))

In [11]: getp(r)
    alpha = 1.0
    animated = False
    antialiased or aa = True
    clip_box = None
    clip_on = False
    edgecolor or ec = black
    facecolor or fc = blue
    figure = None
    fill = 1
    height = (1, 1)
    label =
    linewidth or lw = 1.0
    transform = <Affine object at 0x89c9d24>
    visible = True
    width = 1
    x = 1.0
    zorder = 1

setp will give you information on the valid values for properties

In [12]: setp(r)
    alpha: float
    animated: [True | False]
    antialiased or aa: [True | False]
    bounds: (left, bottom, width, height)
    clip_box: a matplotlib.transform.Bbox instance
    clip_on: [True | False]
    edgecolor or ec: any matplotlib color - see help(colors)
    facecolor or fc: any matplotlib color - see help(colors)
    figure: a matplotlib.figure.Figure instance
    fill: [True | False]
    height: float
    label: any string
    linewidth or lw: float
    lod: [True | False]
    transform: a matplotlib.transform transformation instance
    visible: [True | False]
    width: float
    x: float
    y: float
    zorder: any number

Alternatively, if you understand how the properties system works, you
can use the classdocs. Any method which starts with set_somename is
associated with a property somename. So you'll see set_facecolor,
set_edgecolor and friends in Rectangle and it's base classes.