How to get a figure's number?

Hi all,

I wonder how I can get, in an easy way, the number of a figure returned by a call to figure(None). The nasty way is:

         allnums = [f.num for f in _pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_all_fig_managers()]
         if allnums:
             num = max(allnums) + 1
             num = 1

but this seems horrible for everyday, user-level code. What I want to do is simply be able to make a call to:


and then later make a series of plots which go to that figure:


I need to overlay a set of plots on the same figures, and I don't want to manage manually the figure numbering. I'm comparing results across runs of a script, so the automatic figure(None) number increase is perfect. But I need a way to get a hold of those numbers somehow, and I don't see how. I looked at the attributes in the returned figure object, and I couldn't find the number anywhere (I think it's hidden higher up in the figure manager object).

An alternate (perhaps more 'pythonic'?) solution would be to allow figure() to take figure objects (not just numbers) as arguments. In this case, it would simply be a matter of saying:


and then later make a series of plots which go to that figure:


At any rate, either an integer-based or an object-based solution would work for me, so I'll be grateful for any pointers.

