how to change line colors of a boxplot

Steffen Wischmann <steffen.wischmann@...2190...>

I searched the forum and the net but I cannot figure out how I can
change the line colors for a boxplot (i.e., making all lines black such
as medians, whiskers, boxlines, black).

Change them after plotting, using the returned dictionary:

In [1]: data = random((10,10))

In [2]: r = boxplot(data)

In [3]: r.keys()
Out[3]: ['medians', 'fliers', 'whiskers', 'boxes', 'caps']

In [4]: setp(r['medians'], color='black')
Out[4]: [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None]

This allows you to set the various drawing parameters of the different
parts separately, e.g.:

In [5]: setp(r['whiskers'], color='black', lw=2)


Jouni K. Sepp�nen