histogram hatching


I see there is a “hatch: unknown” kwarg mentioned in the hist() documentation. Can anyone shed some light on how to use this please? I assume it might be used to generate monochrome rectangles with differentiating hatched fills?



I see there is a "hatch: unknown" kwarg mentioned in the hist()
documentation. Can anyone shed some light on how to use this please? I
assume it might be used to generate monochrome rectangles with
differentiating hatched fills?

The rectangles generates by "hist" are matplotlib.patch.Rectangle
instances, and the "hatch" property is controlled by the "set_hatch"
method. Here is the docstring which should tell you most everything
you need to know. Note the caveat at the end that it is only
currently supported on postscript -- patches for other backends much

    def set_hatch(self, h):
        Set the hatching pattern

        hatch can be one of::

          / - diagonal hatching
          \ - back diagonal
          > - vertical
          - - horizontal
          # - crossed
          x - crossed diagonal

        Letters can be combined, in which case all the specified
        hatchings are done. If same letter repeats, it increases the
        density of hatching in that direction.


        1. Hatching is supported in the PostScript backend only.

        2. Hatching is done with solid black lines of width 0.


On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 6:05 AM, izak marais <izakmarais@...9...> wrote: