histogram and a line

Thank you for your solutions. However, with my dataset it did not work out with the following code:

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

with open(‘in.small.txt’) as f:

data = list(int(no.rstrip()) for no in f)

mean = np.mean(data)

print 'mean', mean

std = np.std(data)

print 'std', std

#fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,6), dpi=72, facecolor='w')

fig = plt.figure()

axes = plt.subplot(111)

#axes.axvline(np.mean(data), 0, max(data), linewidth=2, color='red')

axes.axvline(x=mean, linewidth=1.5, color='r')

axes.hist(data, bins=50, normed=True)

#axes.set_ylim(0, 1)

#axes.set_xlim(-3, 3)




axes.spines['bottom'].set_position(('data', -0.05))




Please find attached the histogram. The dataset I am sending with next email.

Thank you in advance.


On Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 9:59 AM, Paul Hobson <pmhobson@…287…> wrote:

Check out the axvline method (of pyplot or an axes object). You’ll

only have to specify the x-value, and it’ll won’t rescale your y-axis.

See my edits below:

On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 12:28 AM, Mic <mictadlo@…287…> wrote:


I am able to draw a histogram with the following code:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

hist_data =

median = 249

f = plt.figure()

h = f.add_subplot(111)

h.hist(hist_data, bins=50, normed=True)

h.axvline(x=median, linewidth=1.5, color=‘b’)


However, I don’t know how to draw a line for median at 249 position like in


Thank you in advance.

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Matplotlib-users mailing list



Mic :

    Thank you for your solutions. However,

with my dataset it did not work out with the following code:

              Please find attached the histogram. The dataset I

am sending with next email.

  1. You haven’sent in.small.txt, but in.txt , 70 MB,
    several millions lines. Please, be gentle wrt people who want to
    help you and are obliged to test your stuff.

    1. You file is buggy, last two lines generate an exception. They
      contain a text “mean …”.

    2. I corrected them, the program works, and gives the picture you
      attached. You don’t say WHAT is “not working”. Is it the question of
      scaling, or something else?

    4 If it is scaling, and IF IF … you want to obtain something I
    attach, then use the code:

hst=axes.hist(data, bins=50, normed=True) mxh=max(hst[0]) plt.plot([mean,mean],[0,mxh],'r',lw=2)
5. Learn something about WHAT is a normed histogram in matplotlib,
how to get into the plotted data, and to adjust the scales.
Otherwise such problems will repeat.

6. Finally, in our civilized world people sign their messages.

Anonymous letters are ugly.

Jerzy Karczmarczuk