Hiding line plots


Is there a way I can hide a line plot? I have several line plots, and I want to make a function to enable or disable a plot… How do I tell each line apart and remove/reinsert them?

Anyone tried this? I was seeking for a line ID of somekind in matplotlib.lines… but didn’t see any.


When you create the plot, it returns a list of line objects. You can use this object to remove itself from the axes, and add it back it later. Hope this helps::

In [1]: l1 = plot([1,2,3])

In [2]: l2 = plot([4,5,6])

In [4]: l1
Out[4]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D object at 0xb676124c>]

# Remove the first plot
In [6]: l1[0].remove()

# Put it back
In [9]: axes().add_line(l1[0])


S�ren Nielsen wrote:



Is there a way I can hide a line plot? I have several line plots, and I want to make a function to enable or disable a plot.. How do I tell each line apart and remove/reinsert them?

Anyone tried this? I was seeking for a line ID of somekind in matplotlib.lines... but didn't see any.


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S�ren Nielsen wrote:

Is there a way I can hide a line plot? I have several line plots, and I want to make a function to enable or disable a plot.. How do I tell each line apart and remove/reinsert them?

Try this in an interactive session, and see if it helps:

ax = figure().add_subplot(111)
a = ax.plot(rand(10), 'k')[0]
b = ax.plot(rand(10), 'r')[0]
