Help Installing on Mac OS X

In article <A94A7D96-B99A-44D7-B4AF-ECC3AFF84579@...3184...>,


I downloaded the files from the site, but when i type "import
matplotlib" in python, it responds with "ImportError: No module named

Does anyone mind going through the download steps for me? I probably
forgot something simple.

What file did you download?

If it was a binary installer, then which python are you using (open a
Terminal and type "which python"). You should see a path starting with
/Library, NOT with /System/Library.

If the path starts with /System/Library then that explains your problem:
you are using the built-in python instead of the python from
(though the binary *may* work with other 3rd party pythons as well, e.g.
Enthought or ActiveState).

So, the steps are:
- Download and install a suitable python from <> (I
recommend 2.6.x, but 2.5.x is also fine; we don't have a matplotlib
binary for 2.7 yet because it is so new)
- Download and install the matching matplotlib Mac binary (for Python
2.5 or 2.6).


-- Russell


Shir Livne <shir.livne@...3184...> wrote: