Help animating moving a line with mouse

Can anyone please help with this function? I am trying to move the line with mouse when it is pressed, by updating the y-coordinates of the line. It works ok on a small figure window, but there is great lag when using full screen. I want to use animation or blitting functions to make the update faster.
The code is attached here.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

class MoveLine:
    def __init__(self, line):
        self.line = line
        self.pressed = False
        self.xs = list(line.get_xdata())
        self.ys = list(line.get_ydata())
        self.cidpress = line.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_press)
        self.cidmotion = line.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.on_motion)
        self.cidrelease = line.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.on_release)

    """callback for button press and motion together"""   
    def on_press(self, event):
        if event.inaxes!=self.line.axes: return
        self.pressed = True   
    def on_motion(self, event):
        if event.inaxes!=self.line.axes: return
        if self.pressed:
            xs = event.xdata
            # xs = math.ceil(xs)
            ys = event.ydata            
            PointDiff = abs(InterpSegX-xs)         
            PointChanged = np.where(PointDiff <=3)            
            PointChanged = np.array(PointChanged)
            # PointChanged = math.ceil(PointChanged)       
            InterpSegY[PointChanged] = ys           
    def on_release(self, event):
        self.pressed = False
    def disconnect(self):
        """disconnect all callbacks"""

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
linex = list(range(0,1536))#creating line to plot with x and y data
linex = np.array(linex)

rows, cols = (1536, 1)
liney = [[300]*cols]*rows
"""creatint interpolation of line"""
segx=np.linspace(1,1535, 200).astype(int)
InterpSegX = np.interp(segx,linex,linex)

InterpSegx = np.array(InterpSegX).astype(int)
InterpSegY = np.interp(segx,linex,liney)

InterpSegY = np.array(InterpSegY).astype(int)

line, = ax.plot(InterpSegX, InterpSegY, linewidth=0.5)
moveline = MoveLine(line)

[@tacaswell edited to add markup]

Have you looked at Faster rendering by using blitting — Matplotlib 3.4.2.post1804+gb600026fe8 documentation ?

Thanks for the link! I had looked into it, the issue I am getting is that the line would not update unless I stopped dragging the mouse, but I wanted it to update in real time and not wait until the on_release to happen.

You will want to put the blitting logic inside of the on_motion callback. What backend are you using?

A number of our builtin widgets have the functionality, so those may be good places to look (matplotlib/ for reference.

Thanks for the suggestion. I use the backend qt4agg.
I will check out the widgets that you have suggested.


On Tue, Aug 31, 2021 at 2:02 PM tacaswell via Matplotlib <> wrote:

| tacaswell
August 31 |

  • | - |

You will want to put the blitting logic inside of the on_motion callback. What backend are you using?

A number of our builtin widgets have the functionality, so those may be good places to look (matplotlib/ for reference.

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