google summer of code student

We should be a mentoring organization for next summer.

The organization application period is coming up in a few months
(, and if we
are going to do this we need to have a list of viable projects for a
summer student. I suspect that these will have to have a balance
between importance (to justify doing it) and shiny-ness (to get
students to _want_ to do it).

Thing that comes to my mind immediately

  - work on implementing what ever comes out of

  - The laundry list of work on 3D plotting enhancements



Thomas Caswell

We should be a mentoring organization for next summer.

well, maybe. A few years ago Google shifted to preferring fewer, larger,
mentoring organizations. So python projects have tended to be handled under
the PSF-sponsored organization.

Or we could go half-way, and have a numfocus one..

we need to have a list of viable projects for a

summer student. I suspect that these will have to have a balance

between importance (to justify doing it) and shiny-ness (to get
students to _want_ to do it).

It's a good idea to develop this list regardless of the sponsoring
organization structure.



On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 8:50 AM, Thomas Caswell <tcaswell@...149...> wrote:

Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

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