Get rid of external white spaces from matplotlib plot

I want to get rid of white spaces from this plot. The plot is from mne library example here. I only want to data in the box and nothing else. I converted the plot to image like this:

def get_img_from_fig(fig, dpi=180):
    buf = io.BytesIO()
    fig.savefig(buf, format="png", dpi=fig.dpi)
    img_arr = np.frombuffer(buf.getvalue(), dtype=np.uint8)
    img = cv2.imdecode(img_arr, 1)
    img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
    return img

I tried a lot of things including this:

plt.savefig('test.png', bbox_inches='tight',pad_inches = 0, dpi = 180)

but it won’t get rid of the white space. What should I do besides manually cropping or setting the aspect ratio?

My current recipe is this remove_decorations function:

I have no idea if it is sufficiently complete. You have to do this
after all the plotting but before you show or save the plot.

Cameron Simpson


On 18Sep2022 05:29, Flock-Anizak via Matplotlib wrote:

I want to get rid of white spaces from this plot. The plot is from
mne library example
I only want to data in the box and nothing else. […]

1 Like

Is there a way I can do this in python? How do I use this when I’m training a machine learning model?

That function is is Python. Here’s an example use of it:

Ignoring the larger programme, the line:

 figure = spd.plot(.......)

returns a matplotlib Figure containing a plot of my solar inverter
data. The next statement:

 if bare:

removes the decoarations from the figure if that mode has been selected.
And the lines below that save or display the figure.

Your example code:

 def get_img_from_fig(fig, dpi=180):
     buf = io.BytesIO()
     fig.savefig(buf, format="png", dpi=fig.dpi)

appears to my eye to save a Figure to a BytesIO instance. You’d call
remove_decorations(fig) just before fig.savefigure(...).

As I understand matplotlib’s model, a Figure is a representation of
all the plots you’ve issued, but that representation has not been
“drawn” and is not drawns until you show or save the Figure. That
means you can manipulate the Figure to remove decoations like legends
of axis markings. Because legends and axis markers are created by
automatically during various plotting operations, you need to do this
after the plotting but before the show or save.

Cameron Simpson


On 18Sep2022 17:50, Flock-Anizak via Matplotlib wrote:

Is there a way I can do this in python? How do I use this when I’m
training a machine learning model?