fontList.cache not being updated

I'm working on updating matplotlib in Sage to 1.0. We're running into a problem where it seems that the fontList.cache is not being updated. I've included an example session below. The .matplotlib directory is accessible here: The problem seems to be that it is looking for a file that does not exist:

[jason@...3302...:/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2]$ ls /scratch/grout/sage-4.5.3/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data/fonts/ttf/Vera.ttf
ls: cannot access /scratch/grout/sage-4.5.3/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data/fonts/ttf/Vera.ttf: No such file or directory

Does anyone have any idea what is going on? Why is the fontList.cache file not being updated, instead of trying to access a path that doesn't exist?

A related question is: I see the variable USE_FONTCONFIG in It says it is experimental. How stable is that code? It's tempting to switch to using fontconfig.



Here is my example session:

In [1]: from pylab import *

In [2]: text(0.5, 0.5, 'text 0')
Out[2]: <matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x18e7b50>

In [3]: savefig('test.png')
ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input
The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid
The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (532, 0))

ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input
The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid
The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (643, 0))

ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input
The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid
The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (10, 0))


RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)

/mnt/usb1/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2/<ipython console> in <module>()

/mnt/usb1/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/pyplot.pyc in savefig(*args, **kwargs)
     361 def savefig(*args, **kwargs):
     362 fig = gcf()
--> 363 return fig.savefig(*args, **kwargs)
     365 @docstring.copy_dedent(Figure.ginput)

/mnt/usb1/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/figure.pyc in savefig(self, *args, **kwargs)
    1082 kwargs.setdefault('edgecolor', rcParams['savefig.edgecolor'])
-> 1084 self.canvas.print_figure(*args, **kwargs)
    1086 if transparent:

/mnt/usb1/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/backend_bases.pyc in print_figure(self, filename, dpi, facecolor, edgecolor, orientation, format, **kwargs)
    1884 orientation=orientation,
    1885 bbox_inches_restore=_bbox_inches_restore,
-> 1886 **kwargs)
    1887 finally:
    1888 if bbox_inches and restore_bbox:

/mnt/usb1/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.pyc in print_png(self, filename_or_obj, *args, **kwargs)
     437 def print_png(self, filename_or_obj, *args, **kwargs):
--> 438 FigureCanvasAgg.draw(self)
     439 renderer = self.get_renderer()
     440 original_dpi = renderer.dpi

/mnt/usb1/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.pyc in draw(self)
     393 self.renderer = self.get_renderer()
--> 394 self.figure.draw(self.renderer)
     396 def get_renderer(self):

/mnt/usb1/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/artist.pyc in draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
      53 def draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
      54 before(artist, renderer)
---> 55 draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
      56 after(artist, renderer)

/mnt/usb1/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/figure.pyc in draw(self, renderer)
     796 dsu.sort(key=itemgetter(0))
     797 for zorder, func, args in dsu:
--> 798 func(*args)
     800 renderer.close_group('figure')

/mnt/usb1/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/artist.pyc in draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
      53 def draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
      54 before(artist, renderer)
---> 55 draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
      56 after(artist, renderer)

/mnt/usb1/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/axes.pyc in draw(self, renderer, inframe)
    1933 for zorder, a in dsu:
-> 1934 a.draw(renderer)
    1936 renderer.close_group('axes')

/mnt/usb1/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/artist.pyc in draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
      53 def draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
      54 before(artist, renderer)
---> 55 draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
      56 after(artist, renderer)

/mnt/usb1/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/axis.pyc in draw(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
    1015 tick.set_label1(label)
    1016 tick.set_label2(label)
-> 1017 tick.draw(renderer)
    1018 if tick.label1On and tick.label1.get_visible():
    1019 extent = tick.label1.get_window_extent(renderer)

/mnt/usb1/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/artist.pyc in draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
      53 def draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
      54 before(artist, renderer)
---> 55 draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
      56 after(artist, renderer)

/mnt/usb1/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/axis.pyc in draw(self, renderer)
     233 if self.label1On:
--> 234 self.label1.draw(renderer)
     235 if self.label2On:
     236 self.label2.draw(renderer)

/mnt/usb1/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/artist.pyc in draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
      53 def draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
      54 before(artist, renderer)
---> 55 draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
      56 after(artist, renderer)

/mnt/usb1/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/text.pyc in draw(self, renderer)
     522 renderer.open_group('text', self.get_gid())
--> 524 bbox, info = self._get_layout(renderer)
     525 trans = self.get_transform()

/mnt/usb1/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/text.pyc in _get_layout(self, renderer)
     296 tmp, lp_h, lp_bl = get_text_width_height_descent('lp',
     297 self._fontproperties,
--> 298 ismath=False)
     299 offsety = lp_h * self._linespacing

/mnt/usb1/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.pyc in get_text_width_height_descent(self, s, prop, ismath)
     179 flags = self._get_hinting_flag()
--> 180 font = self._get_agg_font(prop)
     181 font.set_text(s, 0.0, flags=flags) # the width and height of unrotated string
     182 w, h = font.get_width_height()

/mnt/usb1/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_agg.pyc in _get_agg_font(self, prop)
     219 font = self._fontd.get(fname)
     220 if font is None:
--> 221 font = FT2Font(str(fname))
     222 self._fontd[fname] = font
     223 self._fontd[key] = font

RuntimeError: Could not open facefile /scratch/grout/sage-4.5.3/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/matplotlib/mpl-data/fonts/ttf/Vera.ttf; Cannot_Open_Resource

I'm working on updating matplotlib in Sage to 1.0. We're running into
a problem where it seems that the fontList.cache is not being updated.
I've included an example session below. The .matplotlib directory is
accessible here: The problem
seems to be that it is looking for a file that does not exist:

[jason@...3302...:/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2]$ ls
ls: cannot access
No such file or directory

Does anyone have any idea what is going on? Why is the fontList.cache
file not being updated, instead of trying to access a path that doesn't

There is a fix in SVN for this, but it has not yet been released. When a font file is not found, it rebuilds the entire font cache on the spot.

A related question is: I see the variable USE_FONTCONFIG in It says it is experimental. How stable is that code?
It's tempting to switch to using fontconfig.

I use it as a matter of course on my Linux box and haven't had any issues. It's experimental because it's the kind of thing that is so affected by external environmental issues and distro differences. Just because it "works for me", there's no guarantee it will work everywhere. But go ahead and give it a try and report back with the distro you're using.



On 10/01/2010 11:31 AM, Jason Grout wrote:



Here is my example session:

In [1]: from pylab import *

In [2]: text(0.5, 0.5, 'text 0')
Out[2]:<matplotlib.text.Text object at 0x18e7b50>

In [3]: savefig('test.png')
ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input
The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid
The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (532, 0))

ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input
The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid
The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (643, 0))

ERROR: An unexpected error occurred while tokenizing input
The following traceback may be corrupted or invalid
The error message is: ('EOF in multi-line statement', (10, 0))

RuntimeError Traceback (most recent call last)

/mnt/usb1/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2/<ipython console> in<module>()

in savefig(*args, **kwargs)
      361 def savefig(*args, **kwargs):
      362 fig = gcf()
--> 363 return fig.savefig(*args, **kwargs)
      365 @docstring.copy_dedent(Figure.ginput)

in savefig(self, *args, **kwargs)
     1082 kwargs.setdefault('edgecolor',
-> 1084 self.canvas.print_figure(*args, **kwargs)
     1086 if transparent:

in print_figure(self, filename, dpi, facecolor, edgecolor, orientation,
format, **kwargs)
     1884 orientation=orientation,
     1885 bbox_inches_restore=_bbox_inches_restore,
-> 1886 **kwargs)
     1887 finally:
     1888 if bbox_inches and restore_bbox:

in print_png(self, filename_or_obj, *args, **kwargs)
      437 def print_png(self, filename_or_obj, *args, **kwargs):
--> 438 FigureCanvasAgg.draw(self)
      439 renderer = self.get_renderer()
      440 original_dpi = renderer.dpi

in draw(self)
      393 self.renderer = self.get_renderer()
--> 394 self.figure.draw(self.renderer)
      396 def get_renderer(self):

in draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
       53 def draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
       54 before(artist, renderer)
---> 55 draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
       56 after(artist, renderer)

in draw(self, renderer)
      796 dsu.sort(key=itemgetter(0))
      797 for zorder, func, args in dsu:
--> 798 func(*args)
      800 renderer.close_group('figure')

in draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
       53 def draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
       54 before(artist, renderer)
---> 55 draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
       56 after(artist, renderer)

in draw(self, renderer, inframe)
     1933 for zorder, a in dsu:
-> 1934 a.draw(renderer)
     1936 renderer.close_group('axes')

in draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
       53 def draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
       54 before(artist, renderer)
---> 55 draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
       56 after(artist, renderer)

in draw(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
     1015 tick.set_label1(label)
     1016 tick.set_label2(label)
-> 1017 tick.draw(renderer)
     1018 if tick.label1On and tick.label1.get_visible():
     1019 extent = tick.label1.get_window_extent(renderer)

in draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
       53 def draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
       54 before(artist, renderer)
---> 55 draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
       56 after(artist, renderer)

in draw(self, renderer)
      233 if self.label1On:
--> 234 self.label1.draw(renderer)
      235 if self.label2On:
      236 self.label2.draw(renderer)

in draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
       53 def draw_wrapper(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs):
       54 before(artist, renderer)
---> 55 draw(artist, renderer, *args, **kwargs)
       56 after(artist, renderer)

in draw(self, renderer)
      522 renderer.open_group('text', self.get_gid())
--> 524 bbox, info = self._get_layout(renderer)
      525 trans = self.get_transform()

in _get_layout(self, renderer)
      296 tmp, lp_h, lp_bl = get_text_width_height_descent('lp',
--> 298
      299 offsety = lp_h * self._linespacing

in get_text_width_height_descent(self, s, prop, ismath)
      179 flags = self._get_hinting_flag()
--> 180 font = self._get_agg_font(prop)
      181 font.set_text(s, 0.0, flags=flags) # the width and
height of unrotated string
      182 w, h = font.get_width_height()

in _get_agg_font(self, prop)
      219 font = self._fontd.get(fname)
      220 if font is None:
--> 221 font = FT2Font(str(fname))
      222 self._fontd[fname] = font
      223 self._fontd[key] = font

RuntimeError: Could not open facefile

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I'm working on updating matplotlib in Sage to 1.0. We're running into
a problem where it seems that the fontList.cache is not being updated.
I've included an example session below. The .matplotlib directory is
accessible here: The problem
seems to be that it is looking for a file that does not exist:

[jason@...3302...:/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2]$ ls
ls: cannot access
No such file or directory

Does anyone have any idea what is going on? Why is the fontList.cache
file not being updated, instead of trying to access a path that doesn't

There is a fix in SVN for this, but it has not yet been released. When
a font file is not found, it rebuilds the entire font cache on the spot.

Thanks. Do you know the commit? We'll apply it to the Sage matplotlib package.

A related question is: I see the variable USE_FONTCONFIG in It says it is experimental. How stable is that code?
It's tempting to switch to using fontconfig.

I use it as a matter of course on my Linux box and haven't had any
issues. It's experimental because it's the kind of thing that is so
affected by external environmental issues and distro differences. Just
because it "works for me", there's no guarantee it will work
everywhere. But go ahead and give it a try and report back with the
distro you're using.

Well, with Sage, we're using it on a number of distros, flavors of OSX, Solaris, etc. So maybe I'll stick with the home-grown caching solution. At least until we've tested it a bit on different support platforms for Sage.

I thought there was some sort of build bot for matplotlib that tested on a number of platforms. Do you know how the fontconfig stuff does on that (if it exists...).




On 10/01/2010 10:40 AM, Michael Droettboom wrote:

   On 10/01/2010 11:31 AM, Jason Grout wrote:

I'm working on updating matplotlib in Sage to 1.0. We're running into
a problem where it seems that the fontList.cache is not being updated.
I've included an example session below. The .matplotlib directory is
accessible here: The problem
seems to be that it is looking for a file that does not exist:

[jason@...3302...:/scratch/jason/sage-4.6.alpha2]$ ls
ls: cannot access
No such file or directory

Does anyone have any idea what is going on? Why is the fontList.cache
file not being updated, instead of trying to access a path that doesn't

There is a fix in SVN for this, but it has not yet been released. When
a font file is not found, it rebuilds the entire font cache on the spot.

Thanks. Do you know the commit? We'll apply it to the Sage matplotlib

It's r8712.

A related question is: I see the variable USE_FONTCONFIG in It says it is experimental. How stable is that code?
It's tempting to switch to using fontconfig.

I use it as a matter of course on my Linux box and haven't had any
issues. It's experimental because it's the kind of thing that is so
affected by external environmental issues and distro differences. Just
because it "works for me", there's no guarantee it will work
everywhere. But go ahead and give it a try and report back with the
distro you're using.

Well, with Sage, we're using it on a number of distros, flavors of OSX,
Solaris, etc. So maybe I'll stick with the home-grown caching
solution. At least until we've tested it a bit on different support
platforms for Sage.

I thought there was some sort of build bot for matplotlib that tested on
a number of platforms. Do you know how the fontconfig stuff does on
that (if it exists...).

I don't think the buildbots are turning on fontconfig support. And I believe all of the buildbots are some flavour of Ubuntu (the OS-X buildbot is not running), so there's not a lot of coverage.



On 10/01/2010 11:46 AM, Jason Grout wrote:

   On 10/01/2010 10:40 AM, Michael Droettboom wrote:

    On 10/01/2010 11:31 AM, Jason Grout wrote:



Start uncovering the many advantages of virtual appliances
and start using them to simplify application deployment and
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