float argument required

Pau <vim.unix@...982...> writes:

I have made a plot and, when I try to save it as eps/ps, I get the
error "float argument required" in a pop-up window, whilst the
terminal shows this error message:

GtkWarning: Unable to find default local directory monitor type
if self.run() != int(gtk.RESPONSE_OK):

It seems that you are using the GTK backend. Have you tried this with
other backends, e.g. GTKAgg? If saving works with other backends, this
is likely a bug in the non-Agg GTK backend.

I can save it as pdf, but the quality is not what I want. The curves
do not have the thickness I gave them.

This could be a difference between the non-Agg GTK rendering and the
rest of the backends, or it could be a bug in the PDF backend. I would
be interested in seeing your script, especially if there is a difference
between PDF and Agg-based backends.


Jouni K. Sepp�nen