figure: underlying C/C++ object has been deleted


I forgot to write something in my last email: I just wish to thank the developers of this insanely

great tool. Long live open source. Thank you very much for this, it’s the best data/graph manipulation

software ever.

Now, for my question: I’m not sure if I misunderstood something, or is it a bug of some sort.

Here is the code with the error:

I don’t understand, why would a figure object get deleted after it’s shown on the screen? What am I doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,


tomislav_maric@...2537... wrote:

Here is the code with the error:

matplotlib figure gets deleted -

I don't understand, why would a figure object get deleted after it's shown on the screen? What am I doing wrong?

This is a common "gotcha": don't use anywhere other than at the end of a script, and then only when you want the script to display a figure and block. For working interactively with ipython (which it appears you are doing, and which is recommended), use "ipython -pylab". Then, the figure will be redrawn automatically after pyplot functions are called. If you use a more OO approach, say using the Axes.plot(...) method rather than the pyplot.plot(...) function, you can use pyplot.draw() to force an update when you want one.



Thanks in advance,
