figure figsize (10, 4) just like (12, 4) (newbie)

   I want to use the full screen width in plots,
but it looks as though the size of the screen window is clipped somewhere ?

import pylab as pl
for h in (4,):
     for w in (8, 10, 12):
         fig = pl.figure( figsize=(w,h) )
         pl.plot( range(10) ) # widths 10, 12 display the same, ~ 8.5
         pl.title( "%d x %d ?"% (w,h) )
         pl.savefig( "tmp/%d-%d.png"% (w,h) ) # ok, as given

backend: Qt4Agg
python 2.5.1
Qt 4.4.3
mac ppc 10.4.11

(Is there an overview of the clipping / fitting sequence in the doc ?)

Thanks, cheers
   -- denis