eps font finding problem on WinXP (?)

    > I've poked around the docs and archives, for a clue to this,
    > but if it's there I didn't recognize it.

    > version: 0.62 WinXP default backend: TkAgg interactive (with
    > ipython)

Hi Gary, just to make sure we're clear. The last version of
matplotlib released was 0.61.0. Is this what you mean, or are you
using CVS?

0.61.0 (my typo)

    > On computer A I have version 0.54 installed. There I can
    > create a plot and say savefig('plot.eps') and get a good eps
    > file.

    > On computer B I have version 0.62 installed. There I can
    > create a plot and say savefig('plot.eps') with different
    > results: ghostscript chokes.

There is a known bug in the ps backend on win32 that was discussed
here a couple of weeks ago. Fortunately, it has a trivial fix. In
site-packages/matplotlib/backends/backend_ps.py, in the encodeTTFasPS
function, replace the line

    font = file(fontfile)


    font = file(fontfile, 'rb')

Windows cares a lot about that binary flag.

Please let me know if this cures what ails you, because we are getting
ready to release the next matplotlib version and I hate to release
code with known bugs.

That was it. Problem solved.

I remember that thread now. It didn't sink in at the time. Thanks, Gary


----- Original Message -----
From: "John Hunter" <jdhunter@...4...>
