eps font finding problem on WinXP (?)

I've poked around the docs and archives, for a clue to this, but if it's
there I didn't recognize it.

version: 0.62
default backend: TkAgg
interactive (with ipython)

On computer A I have version 0.54 installed. There I can create a plot and
and get a good eps file.

On computer B I have version 0.62 installed. There I can create a plot and
with different results: ghostscript chokes.

In the case of computer A, the eps file contains
/NewCenturySchlbk-Roman findfont
while in the case of computer B, the file contains instead
/BitstreamVeraSerif-Roman findfont

both have TTFPATH=c:\windows\fonts

it's *possible* (I don't remember exactly) that I installed 0.61 from a
windows installer, and 0.54 from setup.py.

afaik, the .matplotlibrc are the same (at least in the font section)
computer B contains a file .ttffile.cache, while computer A does not have
this file
Removing it from B doesn't make any difference.

any idea ... ?
