Embedding TrueType fonts in PDF

John Hunter <jdhunter@...5...> writes:

    >> You shouldn't need to with the ft2font extension code, because
    >> it uses pycxx which has support for kwarg handling. Eg in the
    >> _image.cpp src
    >> Py::Object resize(const Py::Tuple& args, const Py::Dict&
    >> kwargs);
    > [...]
    >> args.verify_length(2);
    >> int norm = 1; if ( kwargs.hasKey("norm") ) norm = Py::Int(
    >> kwargs["norm"] );

    > This seems to mean that the function cannot be called using
    > the normal Python convention:

    >>>> img.resize(10,10,1)
    > Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line
    > 1, in ? IndexError: Unexpected SeqBase<T> length.

The reason it raises is because I told it too :slight_smile:


if you want normal python symantics, you could to something something
like (untested, freestyle code)

  int norm(0);
  if (args.length()==3)
      norm = Py::Int( args[2] );
  elif ( kwargs.hasKey("norm") )
    norm = Py::Int( kwargs["norm"] );

    > Instead you have to do img.resize(10,10,norm=1). This is
    > handled transparently by PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords: if
    > you set the format string to "ii|ii" and list the names of
    > all parameters as keywords, you automatically get the
    > normal Python convention where the last two args are
    > optional and all args are specifiable with their names.

    > But I guess this is not so important in extension code that
    > only gets called by matplotlib internals and not end users,
    > so I changed load_char to use the pycxx convention.

I do think it is useful in the pycxx extension code to stick where
possible to the cxx idioms -- for the most part the code is cleaner to
reads and helps with reference counting, etc.... You can check the
docs at

  Writing Python Extensions in C++

there may be a cleaner way to handle kwargs than what I suggested.