documentation errors

documentation errors
At, the “Show Source” link doesn’t work.

At, the table of functions links “show” to, but there is no such function mentioned there.

At, there are two typos: “opertation” and “on every plot commands”.

At, the link :file:matplotlibrc does not work (unless the user has a /matplotlibrc file).


At _, the "Show Source" link doesn't

This is because, unlike the other pages, there is no ReST source that is used to
generate the main page. John/Mike, any ideas what to do?

At _, the table of functions links
"show" to
but there is no such function mentioned there.

This is because there is no docstring for show() in, because it gets
pulled in from the backend. Any idea how to fix this? Show() really needs to be
in this list, seeing as it's the most important line in any script.

I'll also add that pyplot.plotting() shows up on the pyplot.api page completely
busted. Seeing as this is a dummy function whose sole purpose is to hold a
docstring listing plotting functions, is there something better we could do here?
Could we put the information in the plotting docstring as a pyplot module level
docstring and do away with plotting() all together?

At _, there are two
typos: "opertation" and "on every plot commands".

At _, the link
:_file:matplotlibrc_ does not work (unless the user has a /matplotlibrc

Fix these two. Thanks for the reports!



keith.briggs@...644... wrote:

Ryan May
Graduate Research Assistant
School of Meteorology
University of Oklahoma