Difference between pcolor and pcolormesh

I have been trying to make some figures using pcolor and pcolormesh. The data is such that there are a lot of regions masked out (which regions in figure below).

I am attaching an example below - the top row is made using pcolormesh and bottom row using pcolor.
I noticed that pcolormesh tries to almost do some sort of smoothing/interpolation over the shorter gaps, is this to be expected? Why does pcolormesh do the smoothing? I don’t really have a question, but just want to understand why what happened happened.

Some code that was used to make this image:

ax[0,2].pcolormesh(vort_sel.XC/1000, vort_sel.YC/1000, vort_sel.where(abs(vort_sel) > abs(strain_sel)).where(vort_sel<0), 
               vmin=-1., vmax=1, cmap ='cmo.curl', rasterized=True, snap=True)
ax[0,2].set_xlabel('X [km]')
ax[0,2].set_ylabel('Y [km]')

# The decomposed bits 
ax[1,0].pcolor(vort_sel.XC/1000, vort_sel.YC/1000, vort_sel.where(abs(vort_sel) <= abs(strain_sel)), 
               vmin=-1., vmax=1, cmap ='cmo.curl', rasterized=True, snap=True)
ax[1,0].set_xlabel('X [km]')
ax[1,0].set_ylabel('Y [km]')

I’m not too familiar with the pcolor code, but pcolormesh only does “smoothing” if you use gauraud interpolation. But they do use different code paths, so its likely something has diverged: matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh — Matplotlib 3.3.4 documentation

Note you can specify cell boundaries rather than centres for both - not sure if you are doing that here.

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Thanks, I will try out cell boundaries as well. Right now I am using cell centers.