Contour-like line labels on line plots.

Greetings all,

I am trying to place line labels on a plot similar to how contours in a contour plot are labeled (i.e. clabel). I have found that I can use ax.annotate but have to optimize by hand while the clabel for contours finds a “good” location without my having to find it. Is this feature available?



Greetings all,

I am trying to place line labels on a plot similar to how contours in a
contour plot are labeled (i.e. clabel). I have found that I can use
ax.annotate but have to optimize by hand while the clabel for contours
finds a "good" location without my having to find it. Is this feature

No, it is not. It has occurred to me that factoring out a "labeled_line" functionality might be useful, but I haven't looked into it.



On 05/21/2012 06:33 AM, Brian wrote:
