Compiling source and installation woes!

Hi John, Looks like in the previous mail, i had set

    > the build numarray on, now i removed that flag, and
    > the installation went on smooth, and i could

    > 1) pygtk, 2) gtk, and 3) matplotlib

    > things went smooth so far, and i run most of the
    > examples bearing some. Now i will try to set things
    > to auto slowly and try the rest.

Great! Start with agg, then image, then gtkagg, and that may be all
you need. Unless you want to use matplotlib interactively from the
shell, in which case tkagg is your best bet.

    > BTW: the following were the developmental packages
    > that i needed here: (At work our sys's have not
    > installed any of the developmental packages)

Thanks for the list! I'll put it on the web site.


Hi John,

thanks, it seems to work now atleast ..

warm regards


Karthikesh Raju, email: karthik@...181...
Helsinki University of Technology, Tel: +358-9-451 5389
Laboratory of Comp. & Info. Sc., Fax: +358-9-451 3277
Department of Computer Sc.,
P.O Box 5400, FIN 02015 HUT,

On Thu, 13 May 2004, John Hunter wrote:

    > Hi John, Looks like in the previous mail, i had set
    > the build numarray on, now i removed that flag, and
    > the installation went on smooth, and i could

    > 1) pygtk, 2) gtk, and 3) matplotlib

    > things went smooth so far, and i run most of the
    > examples bearing some. Now i will try to set things
    > to auto slowly and try the rest.

Great! Start with agg, then image, then gtkagg, and that may be all
you need. Unless you want to use matplotlib interactively from the
shell, in which case tkagg is your best bet.

    > BTW: the following were the developmental packages
    > that i needed here: (At work our sys's have not
    > installed any of the developmental packages)

Thanks for the list! I'll put it on the web site.