Choosing optimal figure width/height automatically


I'm stuck trying to find a solution to the following problem.

I'd like to show an array using imshow preserving the 1:1 aspect ratio
of its pixels. At the same time, I would like the axes to fit around
the image tightly.

Is there some way to, for example, choose a certain figure width, and
have the height chosen automatically to the optimal value?


I particularly like using the figaspect() function:

The example usage there needs to be updated (it assumes the pylab mode
which imports everything in pyplot into the global namespace). But it
should be accessible like so:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

w, h = plt.figaspect(2)

It isn't perfect, but for its simplicity, it gets it mostly right.

Ben Root


On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 8:20 AM, Christoph Groth <cwg@...4122...> wrote:


I'm stuck trying to find a solution to the following problem.

I'd like to show an array using imshow preserving the 1:1 aspect ratio
of its pixels. At the same time, I would like the axes to fit around
the image tightly.

Is there some way to, for example, choose a certain figure width, and
have the height chosen automatically to the optimal value?
