Canvas change events?

Briefly, is there a way to get a callback in the event

    > that the canvas has been redrawn (e.g. from a zoom or
    > pan)?

    > matplotlib 0.86.2 python 2.4.1 wxPython Mac OS
    > X.4.7

    > I draw a circle at a certain point. I let the user drag
    > that point to a new location. However, if the plot is
    > redrawn for any reason, I have to redraw my circle in a
    > new position. I can't seem to find any way to get
    > notified of a redraw.

Have you dried connecting to a draw_event?

    def ondraw(event):
        # do something

   fig.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', ondraw)

FYI, the widgets module matplotlib.widgets is a good place to look for
examples of mpl event handling, in addition to the class documentation
in the Event hierarchy in


Thank you! I realized later how to do this when I realized that I hadn't looked at the code for the canvases.


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On Aug 29, 2006, at 12:08 AM, John Hunter wrote:

"Richard" == Richard Harvey Chapman <hchapman-matplotlib-users@...1232...> writes:

    > Briefly, is there a way to get a callback in the event
    > that the canvas has been redrawn (e.g. from a zoom or
    > pan)?

    > matplotlib 0.86.2 python 2.4.1 wxPython Mac OS
    > X.4.7

    > I draw a circle at a certain point. I let the user drag
    > that point to a new location. However, if the plot is
    > redrawn for any reason, I have to redraw my circle in a
    > new position. I can't seem to find any way to get
    > notified of a redraw.

Have you dried connecting to a draw_event?

    def ondraw(event):
        # do something

   fig.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', ondraw)

FYI, the widgets module matplotlib.widgets is a good place to look for
examples of mpl event handling, in addition to the class documentation
in the Event hierarchy in

