cannot import IDENTITY

Hello again, I found the solution : in file I

    > changed the lines 181-183 by replacing :

    > from _transforms import ...

It looks like your matplotlib directory is out of whack. You should
remove the entire build tree and start over. In matplotlib-0.63, does not exist; it is replaced by
_lib/matplotlib/, which imports either the _na or _nc

So even though you got it to work, that you had a problem at all
indicates your src directory is messed up, and so I advise you to get
a clean start.


Yes indeed, I've removed my site-packages/matplotlib directory and
reinstalled, and it works fine ! I found it strange to be the only one
with that problem, but in fact it's just because others keep things tidier
than I do...



On Fri, 8 Oct 2004, John Hunter wrote:

    > Hello again, I found the solution : in file I
    > changed the lines 181-183 by replacing :

    > from _transforms import ...

It looks like your matplotlib directory is out of whack. You should
remove the entire build tree and start over. In matplotlib-0.63, does not exist; it is replaced by
_lib/matplotlib/, which imports either the _na or _nc

So even though you got it to work, that you had a problem at all
indicates your src directory is messed up, and so I advise you to get
a clean start.

Yann Le Du