Cannot find test_backend_svg and others while running

Michael Droettboom said

> Are you running the tests from the source directory? That often results in failures that look like this.

Yes, I did that. Some Googling found the correct way to do it:

>>> import matplotlib
>>> matplotlib.test()
ResourceWarning: unclosed file <_io.BufferedRandom name=3>
...../usr/lib/python3.2/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file
<_io.FileIO name=6 mode='rb'>
/usr/lib/python3.2/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file
<_io.FileIO name=8 mode='rb'>

Many "."s and "K"s are output.

FAIL: matplotlib.tests.test_text.test_afm_kerning


Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/nose/", line 198, in runTest
"/usr/local/lib/python3.2/dist-packages/matplotlib/tests/", line
107, in test_afm_kerning
     assert afm.string_width_height('VAVAVAVAVAVA') == (7174.0, 718)

Ran 1091 tests in 310.441s

FAILED (KNOWNFAIL=275, failures=1)

Michael Droettboom said

  > Are you running the tests from the source directory? That often
results in failures that look like this.

Yes, I did that. Some Googling found the correct way to do it:

  >>> import matplotlib
  >>> matplotlib.test()
ResourceWarning: unclosed file<_io.BufferedRandom name=3>
...../usr/lib/python3.2/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file
<_io.FileIO name=6 mode='rb'>
/usr/lib/python3.2/ ResourceWarning: unclosed file
<_io.FileIO name=8 mode='rb'>

Many "."s and "K"s are output.

The K's are probably because some requirement of the test framework (ghostscript or inkscape) is not being found on your machine.

FAIL: matplotlib.tests.test_text.test_afm_kerning
Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/nose/", line 198, in runTest
"/usr/local/lib/python3.2/dist-packages/matplotlib/tests/", line
107, in test_afm_kerning
      assert afm.string_width_height('VAVAVAVAVAVA') == (7174.0, 718)

Ran 1091 tests in 310.441s

FAILED (KNOWNFAIL=275, failures=1)

This is a new test as of yesterday. Can you add a print to figure out what afm.string_width_height() returns? I'm curious as to what way this is failing on your machine.



On 05/15/2012 10:15 AM, Edward C. Jones wrote: