built docs contain .pyc files

I tried building the standalone html docs using:

cd doc
python make.py html

I notice that there are around 30 .pyc files left in the build/html/pyplots/ directory. Are these needed in the html documentation build directory?

Also, it seems that the files in _images are redundant, as they are referenced in their original directory, not _images.

from the build/html directory:

% find . -name multiline.pdf
% grep -ri "multiline.pdf" *
examples/pylab_examples/multiline.html:<p>[<a class="reference external" href="../../plot_directive/mpl_examples/pylab_examples/multiline.py">source code</a>, <a class="reference external" href="../../plot_directive/mpl_examples/pylab_examples/multiline.hires.png">hires.png</a>, <a class="reference external" href="../../plot_directive/mpl_examples/pylab_examples/multiline.pdf">pdf</a>]</p>

Any comments about trimming down the size of the build/html directory?



I tried building the standalone html docs using:

cd doc
python make.py html

I notice that there are around 30 .pyc files left in the
build/html/pyplots/ directory. Are these needed in the html
documentation build directory?

No -- but they are also a little hard to avoid. I have made a change to clean these out after the fact.

Also, it seems that the files in _images are redundant, as they are
referenced in their original directory, not _images.

from the build/html directory:

% find . -name multiline.pdf
% grep -ri "multiline.pdf" *
examples/pylab_examples/multiline.html:<p>[<a class="reference external"
code</a>,<a class="reference external"
<a class="reference external"

This one is harder. Sphinx annoyingly always copies every image that is displayed on a page to the _images directory. However, it is impossible to link (i.e. through an <a href="...">) to an image in the _images directory. Since our plot directive results need to both display the image and link to different resolutions of them, we have to at least have two copies of the "normal resolution" pngs, unless we can solve the problem in Sphinx itself or do some sort of postprocessing on the HTML output.

However, the .pdf files ending up in _images is the result of the peculiar way in which HTML and LaTeX are generated from the same source. Sphinx seems to think it is displaying both png and pdf images in the HTML and copies them both over. I have added a post-processing step to our build that subsequently removes the pdf files under _images.

You can see the changes here:



On 03/01/2011 10:22 PM, Jason Grout wrote:

Any comments about trimming down the size of the build/html directory?



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