Building documentation and matplotlibrc

Ben Gamari <bgamari.foss@...149...> writes:

That being said, I've tracked down the reason for the configuration in
doc/matplotlibrc not being used. It seems that sphinx runs the examples
in their current directory (I suppose this is to be expected).

It seems that there is a (as far as I can tell undocumented, please fix
this) MATPLOTLIBRC environment variable which can be used to override
the location of the matplotlibrc used. This could be useful in
specifying the matplotlibrc used during the documentation build process
but unfortunately this would require an absolute path which, again,
complicates the packaging (i.e. I don't know the best way to accomplish
this). Suggestions?

I don't see why the path must be absolute, though I haven't tried. Is
there some problem having a different global matplotlibrc
$HOME/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc or $MATPLOTLIBDATA/matplotlibrc,
possibly setting $HOME or $MATPLOTLIBDATA from your build script?


Jouni K. Sepp�nen

An absolute path is necesary because the current working directory
changes for each example. To check this I added,

    import sys
    sys.stderr.write('SAMPLE cwd=%s\n'%os.getcwd())
    sys.stderr.write('SAMPLE matplotlibrc=%s\n'%matplotlib.matplotlib_fname())

to the beginning of cbook.get_sample_data(). During the documentation
build I then saw output like,

reading sources... [ 12%] examples/api/date_demo
SAMPLE cwd=/home/bgamari/trees/matplotlib/matplotlib-1.0.1/examples/api
SAMPLE matplotlibrc=/home/bgamari/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc
reading sources... [ 12%] examples/api/date_index_formatter
SAMPLE cwd=/home/bgamari/trees/matplotlib/matplotlib-1.0.1/examples/api
SAMPLE matplotlibrc=/home/bgamari/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc

I suppose the only way around this is to patch the absolute path into
doc/matplotlibrc with sed, and then invoke doc/ with
MATPLOTLIBRC="$(CURDIR)/doc/matplotlibrc". I'm very confused how you
found that specifying a relative path in download.path worked. If the
cwd changes as seen above then the documentation was entirely correct in
claiming an absolute path is necessary. I really do wish there as a way
to prevent spinx from changing the cwd.

- Ben


On Thu, 09 Dec 2010 18:37:34 +0200, Jouni K. Seppänen <jks@...278...> wrote:

Ben Gamari <bgamari.foss@...149...> writes:

> That being said, I've tracked down the reason for the configuration in
> doc/matplotlibrc not being used. It seems that sphinx runs the examples
> in their current directory (I suppose this is to be expected).
> It seems that there is a (as far as I can tell undocumented, please fix
> this) MATPLOTLIBRC environment variable which can be used to override
> the location of the matplotlibrc used. This could be useful in
> specifying the matplotlibrc used during the documentation build process
> but unfortunately this would require an absolute path which, again,
> complicates the packaging (i.e. I don't know the best way to accomplish
> this). Suggestions?

I don't see why the path must be absolute, though I haven't tried. Is
there some problem having a different global matplotlibrc
$HOME/.matplotlib/matplotlibrc or $MATPLOTLIBDATA/matplotlibrc,
possibly setting $HOME or $MATPLOTLIBDATA from your build script?