Build errors with VC++6.00

Hi all,

I get errors when building matplotlib with VC++ 6.00 see below.
I read the bit about being masochistic in doing this, however,
I am endeavouring to integrate Matplotlib into a wxWidgets
App and I need debug mode to enable me to get it to work.
So far I have used VC++ 6.00 to compile wxWidgets, wxPython,
Numarray and Numeric in debug mode and it is just Matplotlib
to go now.

Failure details
System is Win XP pro SP1,
Matplotlib is either matplotlib-0.83.2 or checkout from cvs.

Command line is python build --debug

running build_ext
building 'matplotlib._agg' extension
creating build\temp.win32-2.4
creating build\temp.win32-2.4\Debug
creating build\temp.win32-2.4\Debug\src
creating build\temp.win32-2.4\Debug\agg23
creating build\temp.win32-2.4\Debug\agg23\src
E:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\BIN\cl.exe /c /nologo /Od /MDd ......
E:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\BIN\cl.exe /c /nologo /Od /MDd ......
E:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\BIN\cl.exe /c /nologo /Od /MDd ......
E:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\BIN\cl.exe /c /nologo /Od /MDd ......
E:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\BIN\cl.exe /c /nologo /Od /MDd ......
E:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\BIN\cl.exe /c /nologo /Od /MDd ......
E:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\BIN\cl.exe /c /nologo /Od /MDd ......
E:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\BIN\cl.exe /c /nologo /Od /MDd ......
E:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\BIN\link.exe
     /DLL /nologo /INCREMENTAL:no /pdb:None /DEBUG
     /LIBPATH:e:\Python241\PCBuild stdc++.lib m.lib
     /EXPORT:init_agg build\temp.win32-2.4\Debug\src/agg.obj
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file "stdc++.lib"
note: cl.exe line above are truncated by me.

I can get around this link error by commenting out all references
to stdc++ in ie #module.libraries.extend(['stdc++', 'm'])
Am I correct in doing this?

I then get the following error compiling _na_transforms.cpp

running build_ext
building 'matplotlib._na_transforms' extension
E:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\BIN\cl.exe
   /c /nologo /Od /MDd /W3 /GX /Z7 /D_DEBUG
   -Isrc -I. -I -Ie:\Python241\include -Ie:\Python241\PC
   /Fobuild\temp.win32-2.4\Debug\src/_na_transforms.obj -DNUMARRAY=1
.\CXX/Objects.hxx(9) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Python.h': No such file or directory

This error seems to be due to the part of the cl command line
containing "-Isrc -I. -I -Ie:\Python241\include -Ie:\Python241\PC"
and in particular the bit "-I"
Changing the line
"include_dirs = ['src', '.']+numarray_inc_dirs,"
"include_dirs = ['e:\Python241\include', 'src', '.']+numarray_inc_dirs,"
It seems that the -I not having a directory path is a problem.

I then get similar errors later building the other modules.

I would appreciate it if somebody more knowledgeable in Disutils
could point me in the right direction towards finding this problem.

Also what does 'win32_static' mean?

Thanks in anticipation,

Noel Diviney


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