Bug in Custom Dash List

I have old scripts I had made that I was rerunning in newer versions of matplotlib. They now fail because the function requires dashes to be greater than 0. I have them set to zero as below and it still throws the error. I had to set the zero in the middle to 1e-12 to get around this but is this the desired behavior? I don’t see why 0 can’t be an acceptable input to the dash function. This is on matplotlib 1.3.0rc2.

Example code:

dashes = [(1.5,1.5,3,1.5),(1,0),(1,1.2)]

legendLabels.append(ax.plot(x,y[i], color=plotColor[i%8], dashes=dashes[i%3])[0])

End of error:

/home/bigtyme/.virtualenvs/ipl/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib-1.3.0rc2-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/matplotlib/lines.pyc in _draw_lines(self, renderer, gc, path, trans)


937 def _draw_lines(self, renderer, gc, path, trans):

–> 938 self._lineFunc(renderer, gc, path, trans)


940 def _draw_steps_pre(self, renderer, gc, path, trans):

/home/bigtyme/.virtualenvs/ipl/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib-1.3.0rc2-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/matplotlib/lines.pyc in _draw_dashed(self, renderer, gc, path, trans)

981 gc.set_linestyle(‘dashed’)

982 if self._dashSeq is not None:

–> 983 gc.set_dashes(0, self._dashSeq)


985 renderer.draw_path(gc, path, trans)

/home/bigtyme/.virtualenvs/ipl/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib-1.3.0rc2-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/matplotlib/backend_bases.pyc in set_dashes(self, dash_offset, dash_list)

902 dl = np.asarray(dash_list)

903 if np.any(dl <= 0.0):

–> 904 raise ValueError(“All values in the dash list must be positive”)

905 self._dashes = dash_offset, dash_list


ValueError: All values in the dash list must be positive



@mdboom, from git blame, this looks to be specifically introduced by you via [7e7b5320](https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/commit/7e7b532057c08541489203697987a924e56a7aeb) on May 15th, and you even added some tests for handling path clipping. Perhaps the choice of "<=" should have been just "<"?

The problem is that a 0-length dash or space is undefined. In Agg, it causes an infinite loop (presumably because the line cursor never moves). Saving it to a PDF file and opening it in Acrobat Reader reveals a blank page (presumably because it's doing something smarter, but also basically throwing up its hands). In SVG, you get a solid line, which may or may not be the right behavior.

Given that a value of 0 doesn't make much sense anyway, I thought it best to just disallow it. Jeffrey: Do you have a good need for this?

Here's the original PR:



On 08/05/2013 01:36 PM, Benjamin Root wrote:

@mdboom, from git blame, this looks to be specifically introduced by you via |7e7b5320 <https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/commit/7e7b532057c08541489203697987a924e56a7aeb&gt; on May 15th, and you even added some tests for handling path clipping. Perhaps the choice of "<=" should have been just "<"?|

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I think the function should be np.all(dash_list <= 0.0) instead of np.any? This works 100% fine on my machine so I think it just hangs if all values are less than or equal to zero. That hangs on my machine as you stated.

From digging into that I also realized I could have put (None, None) to get a solid line in my dash list which is what I desired but I think (1,0) is more intuitive and doesn’t cause any errors. Since dash lists have to be even number of values, could not just put (1) to get a solid line.

I guess do whichever you think is better.




On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 4:14 AM, Michael Droettboom <mdroe@…86…> wrote:

  The problem is that a 0-length dash or

space is undefined. In Agg, it causes an infinite loop
(presumably because the line cursor never moves). Saving it to a
PDF file and opening it in Acrobat Reader reveals a blank page
(presumably because it’s doing something smarter, but also
basically throwing up its hands). In SVG, you get a solid line,
which may or may not be the right behavior.

  Given that a value of 0 doesn't make much sense anyway, I thought

it best to just disallow it. Jeffrey: Do you have a good need for

  Here's the original PR:



  On 08/05/2013 01:36 PM, Benjamin Root wrote:
    @mdboom, from git blame, this looks to be

specifically introduced by you via [7e7b5320](https://github.com/matplotlib/matplotlib/commit/7e7b532057c08541489203697987a924e56a7aeb) on May 15th, and you even added some tests for handling path clipping. Perhaps the choice of "<=" should have been just "<"?

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