barh vs. bar(orientation='horizontal')

"John Hunter" <jdh2358@...149...> writes:

I replaced most of the kwargs by a **kwargs dict in svn revision 3037.

Since this changes the API, albeit minimally, make sure these changes
are documented in the API_CHANGES file. Thanks for working on this.

Done. Should the function signature in the docstring of barh be
changed as well? I think listing the possible keyword arguments and
their defaults is valuable in the help text, but the signature could
make people think they can use positional arguments.


Jouni K. Sepp�nen

The call signature in the docstring should certainly be changed to
match the new signature. Also, take a look at the kwdocd stuff we
have to see if you can make that work for the keyword args. See
Axes.plot for an example, where we interpolate the Line2D keyword arg
docstring into the __doc__ attribute.



On 3/3/07, Jouni K. Seppänen <jks@...278...> wrote:

Done. Should the function signature in the docstring of barh be
changed as well? I think listing the possible keyword arguments and
their defaults is valuable in the help text, but the signature could
make people think they can use positional arguments.