bar and subplots

I was making subplots using the bar command and ran into a problem I do not understand.

nr = number of rows, nc = number of columns

I want nr = 1, i.e. just one row of plots. If nc is 1 or 2 all is well, but nc =3 the third plot is cutoff in the middle. If nc = 4, I get 3 plots and the fourth cannot be seen.
What seems to be happening is that the subplots are not scaled to fit the viewport dictated by suplot(nr,nc,plotNumber).

I have used nc = 3 or 4 if I use the plot command and all the plots are squished into the subregions for which I asked - even if things get ugly.

I use the PS and Agg backends and both yield similar results.

My code is below.

Thanks for any help.


The Code:
import matplotlib
from matplotlib.matlab import *
import showPS
import showAGG

nTypes = 3
ind = arange(nTypes) # the x locations for the groups
width = .2 # the width of the bars
nr = 1
nc = 3
crap = []
for c in range(nc):
  for r in range(nr):
     subplotID = nc*r + c + 1
     ax = subplot(nr,nc,subplotID)
     frame = ax.get_frame()
     amip = (20, 35, 30)
     p1 = bar(ind, amip, width, color='r')
     climo = (25, 32, 34)
     p2 = bar(ind+width, climo, width, color='y')
     isccp = (5, 10, 60)
     p3 = bar(ind+2.0*width, isccp, width, color='g')
     atlas = (20, 40, 70)
     p4 = bar(ind+3.0*width, atlas, width, color='b')
     ylabel('Cloud Fraction (%)')
     title('Cloud' + str(subplotID)+'_'+str(c)+'_'+str(r) )
     set(gca(), 'xticks', ind+2*width)
     set(gca(), 'xticklabels', ('low', 'mid', 'high') )
     set(gca(), 'yticks', arange(0,100,10))
     legend( (p1[0], p2[0],p3[0],p4[0]), ('Amip', 'climo','isccp','atlas') )
