axis labeling currently broken?

Hello John, thanks a lot for your help!!! The maths still

    > does not work, but mathplotlib plots my non-working
    > datasets now in a beautiful way. I updated my file at


    > if you are curious.

Thanks -- btw, this looks like a good case to use (and test!) the
sharex feature now in CVS. See examples/ The
basic idea is that if your multiple subplots are over the same x
range, you can set sharex and then navigation on one access is
automatically shared with the others, as are changes in tick
locations, etc...

    > I would be very happy to provide something similar as an
    > example. My data is not proprietary but huge. Let me see
    > whether I can come up with a picture that does not require
    > the full data-set but looks similar.

Yes, 800k is a bit large. Well, if you get something nice and usable,
be sure to send it my way!


John Hunter wrote:

Yes, 800k is a bit large. Well, if you get something nice and usable,
be sure to send it my way!

I don't know if it applies to this case, but in general for smaller file sizes, it would be nice to have pylab's load/save commands support automatically gzipped files, no? It's not as efficient as using binary files directly, but in many cases it may be 'small enough'.

Since it's quicker for stuff like this to code a patch implementing it rather than beg for it, here it goes.

A quick test:

In [1]: x=frange(0,2*pi,npts=1000)

In [2]: y=sin(x)

In [3]: save('arr.dat.gz',(x,y))

In [4]: arr=load('arr.dat.gz')

In [5]: x1,y1 = arr[0],arr[1]

In [6]: l2norm(x-x1)
Out[6]: 0.0

In [7]: l2norm(y-y1)
Out[7]: 0.0

Apply if you like it.



pylab.diff (1.75 KB)