axes control

          Hello, I would like to know how can I change the

    > axes properties for the font of the tick label. I was
    > trying to use something like:

    > xticklabels = get(gca(), 'xticklabels') set(xticklabels,
    > 'fontweight', 'bold')

    > and that's work for some parameter (fontweight for
    > example) but it's not possible to choose some others like
    > the font type or the angle.

You need to pick the right property names: rotation rather than angle,
fontname or family for the fontname or family

    from matplotlib.matlab import *

    labels = get(gca(), 'xticklabels')
    set(labels, fontweight='bold', rotation=45, fontname='cmr10')


You may want to read and
the fonts section in the rc file to decide if you want to use the
family or fontname property.

I think one of the reasons you may be having problem with the fontname
is that matplotlib appears to fail silently when you specify a font
that it doesn't find. In this case, it falls back on a known font.
We hope to add a verbose feature so you can get some diagnostic
information about what the font finder is doing.

    > Another things I saw in the website, a lot of links are
    > not working (example:
    >\\ )

That should be

I fixed this (in my local copy). Let me know if you find some more.


John Hunter wrote:

"Humufr" == Humufr <humufr@...136...> writes:
   > Hello, I would like to know how can I change the
   > axes properties for the font of the tick label. I was
   > trying to use something like:

   > xticklabels = get(gca(), 'xticklabels') set(xticklabels,
   > 'fontweight', 'bold')

   > and that's work for some parameter (fontweight for
   > example) but it's not possible to choose some others like
   > the font type or the angle.

You need to pick the right property names: rotation rather than angle,
fontname or family for the fontname or family

   from matplotlib.matlab import *

   labels = get(gca(), 'xticklabels')
   set(labels, fontweight='bold', rotation=45, fontname='cmr10')


You may want to read and
the fonts section in the rc file to decide if you want to use the
family or fontname property.

I think one of the reasons you may be having problem with the fontname
is that matplotlib appears to fail silently when you specify a font
that it doesn't find. In this case, it falls back on a known font.
We hope to add a verbose feature so you can get some diagnostic
information about what the font finder is doing.


Thanks for your answer, I have been able to change the font but the things I don't like, no that I think it's not coherent with other matplotlib command is that in the font you can't ask fontname=Courier" and fontstyle="Italic" (the term angle was bad in my precedent mail :slight_smile: ). That doesn't work.
Perhaps it's a problem with my installation (debian and package from this distribution and Suse and matplotlib install by hand) but I have an error message when I'm trying to have some Italic. I wa trying to use the script:

and I have this message when the script want plot the italic fonts:

Could not match cursive, normal, normal. Returning /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf
Could not match fantasy, normal, normal. Returning /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf
Could not match sans-serif, italic, normal. Returning /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf
Could not match sans-serif, italic, normal. Returning /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf
Could not match sans-serif, italic, normal. Returning /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf

I defined the TTFPATH and I have no change.

I have something else weird with the fonts. I verified i=with Ipython and

from matplotlib.font_manager import fontManager, FontProperties
from matplotlib.matlab import *
p = FontProperties()

the different fonts available. I obtain:

['Lucida Grande',
'Bitstream Vera Sans',

but if I'm trying to use the font Arial and italic in the script that give me this message:
Could not match sans-serif, italic, normal. Returning /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf

It's seems that the change introduce in the script is not use and that matplotlib are using only Vera fonts with no style.

fonts = {
      'color' : 'k',
      'fontname' : 'Courier',
      'fontweight' : 'bold',
      'fontstyle' : 'italic',
      'fontsize' : 'xx-large'


give me exactly the same things than:

fonts = {
      'color' : 'k',
      'fontname' : 'Arial,
      'fontweight' : 'bold',
      'fontstyle' : 'italic',
      'fontsize' : 'xx-large'


The only things that seems to work is the fontweigth.

I have exactly the same things if I'm doing:

t = ylabel('label')

I did probably something wrong but I can't find where so I'm asking for some help,
