AW: French characters

Sorry for the confusion, that's not what I meant. I think

    > that the acute sign would have to be added to the list of
    > symbols that mathtext can handle. That would probably mean
    > both special code in and an entry in
    > I'm not sure what the right entry in the
    > font table would be, as I don't understand the entries in
    > the latex_to_bakoma dictionary in at all.

I just added support for accents in general to mathtext. The
following accents are provided: \hat, \breve, \grave, \bar, \acute,
\tilde, \vec, \dot, \ddot. All of them have the same syntax, eg to
make an overbar you do \bar{o} or to make an o umlaut you do \ddot{o}.

The changes are in CVS - make sure you get revision 1.9 or
later, and revision 1.5 or later.

Here is the test script I used:

    from pylab import *
    title(r'\\ddot\{o\}\\acute\{e\}\\grave\{e\}\\hat\{O\}\\breve\{i\}\\bar\{A\}\\tilde\{n\}\\vec\{q\}\\dot\{x\}', fontsize=20)

Hope this helps!


Matt, the _mathtext_data dictionary latex_to_bakoma maps the TeX
symbol to a fontfilename, glyph index tuple. To get the character
code in the font file corresponding to the glyph index, you can use
the FT2Font charmap dict

Here's a little demo script which shows you how to use the dict to
load a freetype2 glyph struct for a latex symbol "delta" from the
appropriate cm*.ttf file

    import os
    from matplotlib import get_data_path
    from matplotlib.ft2font import FT2Font
    from matplotlib._mathtext_data import latex_to_bakoma

    name, glyphind = latex_to_bakoma[r'\delta']
    fname = os.path.join(get_data_path(), name + '.ttf')

    font = FT2Font(fname)
    charmap = font.get_charmap()
    ccode = charmap[glyphind]
    glyph = font.load_char(ccode)

    print glyph.width/64.