Automatically changing line colors

In my application, I am creating a second axes using pylab's twinx and plot various lines on both axes. I'd like to take advantage of the automatic change of the line color that happens when using the plot() command. Unfortunately, this is done only within one axes i.e. when plotting on the other axes, the first line color is used again. This results in multiple lines that have the some color.

Is there a smart way to make Matplotlib use the next color in sequence for the first line on a new axes?

As is:
Axes 1
- Line 1 (blue)
- Line 2 (green)
Axes 2
- Line 1 (blue)
- Line 2 (green)

To be:
Axes 1
- Line 1 (blue)
- Line 2 (green)
Axes 2
- Line 1 (red)
- Line 2 (light blue)
