AttributeError: LineCollection instance has no attribute 'get_lines'

Eric Firing <efiring@...202...> writes:

In any case, thanks for bringing the legend/LineCollection bug to my
attention. This is the sort of thing it is nice to get cleaned up
before the next release, coming soon. Do you know of some other simple
bugs like this we should look at ASAP?

Of the bugs listed at
I suspect a few would be simple to fix:

1671570 Invalid CSS 2 styles in SVG output
1650523 inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation
1605288 import pylab with python -OO


Jouni K. Sepp�nen

Jouni K. Sepp�nen wrote:

Eric Firing <efiring@...202...> writes:

In any case, thanks for bringing the legend/LineCollection bug to my attention. This is the sort of thing it is nice to get cleaned up before the next release, coming soon. Do you know of some other simple bugs like this we should look at ASAP?

Of the bugs listed at matplotlib download |
I suspect a few would be simple to fix:

Thanks for the suggestions.

1671570 Invalid CSS 2 styles in SVG output

In this the invalid styles seem to be coming from freetype itself, as nearly as I can see. Someone who understands ft2font needs to look at this one.

1650523 inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation
1605288 import pylab with python -OO

I fixed these.

I also closed a couple others. It would be nice to get many more of the bug reports closed; I think some are obsolete, but some are pointing to things that really should be fixed. I am out of time for a while, though; I need to work on other things.


I think it is a good plan to try and knock out as many of these as
possible before the next release. I'm pretty swamped until after next
Monday because all my free time will be going to preparing for a
python workshop with Fernando, but let's all try and do a bug or patch
per day, and shoot for some time after Monday a week for Monday to do
the release.
In related news, Eric, I say you were working on the date format
problem in the finance module. Just so everyone is on the same page,
yahoo changed their output format to '%Y-%m-%d' so I changed the
format string in the finance module. But people who have cached
downloads in ~/.matplotlib/finance.cache will still have data in the
old format. Eric made some changes to support both with a try/except,
but at some point we'll want to remove that for performance reasons,
so the best course is to flush your cache.



On 4/9/07, Eric Firing <efiring@...202...> wrote:

I also closed a couple others. It would be nice to get many more of the
bug reports closed; I think some are obsolete, but some are pointing to
things that really should be fixed. I am out of time for a while,
though; I need to work on other things.

John Hunter wrote:

I also closed a couple others. It would be nice to get many more of the
bug reports closed; I think some are obsolete, but some are pointing to
things that really should be fixed. I am out of time for a while,
though; I need to work on other things.

I think it is a good plan to try and knock out as many of these as
possible before the next release. I'm pretty swamped until after next
Monday because all my free time will be going to preparing for a
python workshop with Fernando, but let's all try and do a bug or patch
per day, and shoot for some time after Monday a week for Monday to do
the release.
In related news, Eric, I say you were working on the date format
problem in the finance module. Just so everyone is on the same page,
yahoo changed their output format to '%Y-%m-%d' so I changed the
format string in the finance module. But people who have cached
downloads in ~/.matplotlib/finance.cache will still have data in the
old format. Eric made some changes to support both with a try/except,
but at some point we'll want to remove that for performance reasons,
so the best course is to flush your cache.


Thanks for the explanation. I made another change. It should still support both formats, but with only a single try/except to decide which format to use, so the performance penalty should be negligible. The advantage is that we won't get questions (as we have at least once) about "why doesn't work?"

Here are the relevant lines from (slightly mangled by the mailer, as usual):

     datefmt = None

     for line in lines[1:]:

         vals = line.split(',')

         if len(vals)!=7: continue
         datestr = vals[0]
         if datefmt is None:
                 datefmt = '%Y-%m-%d'
                 dt =*time.strptime(datestr, datefmt)[:3])
             except ValueError:
                 datefmt = '%d-%b-%y' # Old Yahoo--cached file?
         dt =*time.strptime(datestr, datefmt)[:3])
         d = date2num(dt)



On 4/9/07, Eric Firing <efiring@...202...> wrote: